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First Issue of GYO Magazine!


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  • First Issue of GYO Magazine!

    We were having a bit of a clear out yesterday, and I was going through some old cookery and gardening magazines. I found my early stash of GYO! I've bought it since issue one (though took me an age to find you lot here!) and I really enjoyed looking through those early ones, 'specially the very first one!

    There was a brilliant piece in one of them about the fruit gardens at Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire where we used to go as kids all the time, and loads more about smallholding and livestock than there is now.

    Mr R thought (and wished) that the exercise was about throwing things out...but I can't bring myself to do it. We're hoping to move house before Sweetpea arrives (just the small matter of finding a suitable new one, and selling existing house), and I think the whole lot will be coming with us!

    Is that normal? Do most of you throw favourite magazines away when you've read them? I'm such a hoarder!
    I don't roll on Shabbos

  • #2
    I've kept all my GYO's, except, sadly, for the first 10 or so which I think Mr Wix has got rid of somehow Got quite a stack of 'the other' magazine too, about a year's worth of G's W and a few Smallholding ones. Every month I have quite a few mags to read as I can go back through several years worth
    And I wonder why the house isn't big enough for us all...


    • #3
      I only discovered GYO mag at the end of 2007, but have every issue since plus a number of other gardenening mags which i have been collecting since the end of 2007, ive probably spent close to �500 on mags......Oh my god, thats so scary when you add them all up, but i would never throw any away and my OH knows better to even enter my gardening room!! i have a small spare room for all my gardening items and OH has other spare room for his computor junk.
      Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


      • #4
        You'd hate living with me. When I was with my ex he used to hoard Landrover mags of all sorts. There were boxes upon boxes and we couldn't move for the darned things. I took to sneaking them in the recycling, but I did get caught out a couple of times!


        • #5
          I used to have loads of copies of Loaded magazine - from the first up until about 4-5 years worth. They used to make a picture when placed together on a shelf. I threw them all out years ago, along with a large number of Face magazine, Q and some others. Only ones I keep now are GYO (last 2 ish years) and a years worth of Good Food magazine that M-i-L bought me as a subscription.
          A simple dude trying to grow veg.

          BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

          Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

          What would Vedder do?


          • #6
            I can join the full set club! I met Georgina (then editor) at a festival at West Dean. I did have two missing including the test pressing, but Paul Wagland had a couple of spares and very kindly sent them to me a while back.....Oh dear...I have become a gardening anorak!

            Similar storage problems here though...going to have to extend the house!!!!....but chucking any away would be grounds for divorce

            I can join the full set club!!! Sad!
            Last edited by Paulottie; 26-01-2009, 12:06 PM.


            • #7
              I can't throw them away either, but I have to hide them from the OH...when we move they'll come with us (shhh!)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rhona View Post
                We were having a bit of a clear out yesterday, and I was going through some old cookery and gardening magazines. I found my early stash of GYO! I've bought it since issue one (though took me an age to find you lot here!) and I really enjoyed looking through those early ones, 'specially the very first one!

                There was a brilliant piece in one of them about the fruit gardens at Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire where we used to go as kids all the time, and loads more about smallholding and livestock than there is now.

                Mr R thought (and wished) that the exercise was about throwing things out...but I can't bring myself to do it. We're hoping to move house before Sweetpea arrives (just the small matter of finding a suitable new one, and selling existing house), and I think the whole lot will be coming with us!

                Is that normal? Do most of you throw favourite magazines away when you've read them? I'm such a hoarder!

                I have all mine cannot bear to let them go ...
                Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                • #9
                  I am a real Magazine hoarder in fact I collect them, with many from the before 1st World War.

                  My wife made me do a check about 3 years ago and I had over 3000 and I still collected after that I now have no more room in the loft!
                  HAPPY 'Growing My Own'


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