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Money Spent


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  • Money Spent

    I think last season I did quite well........i have had sometime whilst sitting in bed 'dying' to work out what I spent/didnt spend.......

    horse manure - loads of it, FREE.

    Seeds - 11.13

    Cow manure 5 tonne 5.00

    Wood - Planks donated by another plot holder

    Soil - 5.00 for 4 bags.

    So in total 21.13 spent, did anyone do any better?
    Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today

  • #2
    I never count what I spend on the garden. I don't garden for economy but for pleasure. I'm sure last year Mrs Dobby published a statement of expenditure and profit and came out miles ahead of the game. Maybe she'll see this and put on a link to it. Some other Grapes might too.
    All I know that I've spent is some money I got from my sister for Christmas. I bought an automatic watering system for my pots. And the money she gave me for my birthday I bought a wrought iron arch with a gate in it to make an entrance to my kitchen garden.
    Interesting to hear what other Grapes buy.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      As requested, here's the link!

      We have the plots mainly for the fun of GYOing, plus the exercise and the fab taste from our own organic crops (much better than supermarket bought veg), but if it helps us save some cash as well, then thats all to the good!

      As to our balance sheet, we spent � 213 in total last year 9inc seeds, manure, fertilizer, tools, etc)

      Total Harvest � 2093 approx!!!!

      Nett profit of � 1880

      Not bad for a hobby is it?
      Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

      'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

      The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
      Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
      Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
      On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


      • #4
        I don't even want to think about what we spent:
        First we moved house to get the big garden.
        Thenn we built coop run, got the chicken wire, chickens etc.
        Then I got a mini plastic greenhouse
        Then I got a coldframe
        Then I got a big greenhouse

        Not to mention loads of compost, tools, seeds, plants, canes, pots, stakes, netting, slug barrier, wood for the beds (v cheap, from scaffolder), tomato feed, 2 council compost bins, fleece, wellies,... I can't think of anything else but am sure there's LOADS!!

        But the slabs for putting round the beds were already here - bargain
        Last edited by janeyo; 27-01-2009, 10:09 PM.


        • #5
          Well done Mrs Dobby thats a nice profit you made.
          Do you re-invest the money into your garden?
          This year we plan to expand our patch and build a big greenhouse, I can`t wait.
          I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


          • #6
            I spose I should look on the positive side, I don't need to buy any of those things again this year, only seed compost and seeds!


            • #7
              That all sounds about par for the course Janeyo But you did get some exercise, some very happy hours and some lovely vegetables

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                In our budget I get �20 per month for the garden, any produce goes back into the house without being costed, so I don't know if it balances out. I buy all the compost, seeds, plants, replace greenhouse glass etc from that, and have to save up if there's something large I need. I do get gardening stuff for birthdays and Christmas as well, which suits me as it's my hobby, but OH says as we all benefit, it isn't fair if I have to meet all the costs out of my 'personal' money.
                If the allotment scheme finally takes off, I'm not sure whether I'll need to fund the rent out of that too, but I've been saving a little each month in the 'allotment fund' so I can get started if we do get them set up.
                I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                • #9
                  I look on my veggie garden and lottie as my hobby. Blokes are famous for spending loads (probably to much) on their hobbies. I never keep records of what I spend on the garden (wouldn't want Mrs snuffer seeing it) but I do know that, so far, this year I have spent about �65.00 on seeds including the seed potatoes and onion sets. Still got all the peas and beans to buy.

                  What I do know is that the pleasure growing your own brings is well worth the expenditure.
                  It is the doom of man, that they forget.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by snuffer View Post
                    Still got all the peas and beans to buy.
                    Only once though .. then you can save your own seed. Or I'll send you a selection of French beans if you want.

                    I had to buy a new shed this year (�125) & debris netting (�30) and I always buy about �30 of multi-purpose compost.
                    I treated myself to a new lighter spade this year �22 (last year it was 2 propagators for �25)
                    I buy 20 new canes every year for my ever-expanding bean forest (�8)
                    A few packs of new seed, max of about �20 a year as a pack will last me a couple of years, I save my own and I get swaps too.
                    Spuds & onion sets: about �20 worth

                    So I spend on average about �100 a year, and am almost self-sufficient in food (I don't eat meat, I just buy what I can't grow: pasta, rice, flour, Quorn etc)
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Well I have done really well this year, partly due to my aunt moving to Greece and her delivery of lots of seeds, olive, blueberry bush, fig, ornamental orange, sorted through seeds the other day, I have only bought sweetcorn and pepper seeds need tatties and thats it for the veg.
                      As some of you are aware my garden is being totally redone and as very few flowers either back or front, scarily I counted the flower seeds and bulbs EHMMMMMMM..71 different types! many thanks to the generiousity of peeps on her, several from magazines and probably about 15 that I have bought Have to stop now but cant help looking!!
                      Have another raised bed to build, have woo from old fence, patio to lay, have slabs shofted from front garden, only other expense this year will be a new fence, money allowing!


                      • #12
                        I bet it all adds up, I dare not think. I don't mind as I think the benefits of fresh air, exercise on the allotment and that general feeling of well being are priceless. I feel the same about our ponies and they cost a lot more than the garden but do give lots of 'free' manure!


                        • #13
                          I don't have any other proper hobbies to speak of, don't drink much, don't smoke, don't buy loads of stuff for the house or me or the children, don't go out clubbing every weekend (too tired after being in the garden lol), so I think the money spent is worth it! And you get food at the end


                          • #14
                            My garden was completely neglected when we bought the house in 2007 and I'm still working on bits of the garden, so I don't want to think about what I've spent!


                            • #15
                              i know i started this but I have not even worked out this years expenses, dread to think of it.
                              Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


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