As many of you know I recently started a new job basically clearing tables putting them in dishwasher, taking food to tables, so waitressing. On monday I asked if I could leave early last night as it was my daughters school parents evening and our first appointment was at 5.40pm so I would need to leave approx half an hour early although if its busy could be an hour early. I was told it would depend how busy we were as I hadnt given them enough notice , I had only recieved the letter from the school on saturday, fair enough. Yesterday I made sure everything was done, even though I always do. I mentioned to the person ( xy ) who was doing my training that I was hoping to go early as it was my daughters parents evening and she didnt think it would be a problem. So at 5.20pm I asked where xxx was and she was upstairs in the office, xy said she would phone and ask her to come down. XXX came down and had a look around I carried on with what I was doing, then was asked to go with xxx she took me to one side and said she didnt like it cos I had asked xy if I could go, not the case I told her what was said in conversation with xy. xxx made me feel six inches tall asked me to leave without a fuss and she had issues with me. I was gobsmacked as far as I am aware I have done everything and more asked of me. I indeed left like I always do quietly said cheerio see you on tuesday, but I will be phoning this morning and speaking to the owner not xxx and appoligising for the fact that I will not be returning as I will not be spoken to like that, I am after all 54 yrs old not 16 and need telling what to do and how to behave. 
Sorry for rant

Sorry for rant