Originally posted by lynda66
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I'm about to be vetted
(...pulls out soapbox and climbs aboard...)
I get really cross on this subject.
A friend of my Mum got turned down by one animal charity for re-homing a Guinea Pig because the wife worked part-time (4 hours a day, 3 days a week!!!!!!!!!). They'd had rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, chickens before, but felt they now wanted to help something 'homeless' that may be otherwise destroyed.
A nearish neighbour had two cats from the (un-named animal charity) that 'must be homed together' because they were brothers and 'inseperable.' Yet a couple of years later, when one was ill, the Vet scanned their microchips, and not only were they not the same age (certainly not registered together), they were from opposite ends of the country!
MY ex-neighbours had a rescue German Shepherd (unofficially), and somehow managed to then pass an (un-named animal charity) house inspection. Therefore, whenever our local 'place' had one spare, they got it. Despite the fact that they had lied about the wife not working. These poor dogs were then shut indoors for 8-10 hours a day, and never walked. The only time they left the premises was if they needed the Vet. I only had to open or close my car or front door and the dog(s) would bark and howl, non-stop, for up to twenty minutes at a time. One would leap up at the window (I once saw the net curtains ripped down by it's feet) in distress.
I appreciate there needs to be rules, but...................
(Sorry. Rant over. Soap-box back in cupboard!)
All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
I did post before about CPL refusing a disabled lady who was living on her own, despite her being a very capable and loving owner. It almost seems they like to keep the cats, then they can keep on bleating about how many unwanted ones they have
Good luck Piskie, and if they say no, I'm sure with the 'kitten season' approaching, you will find a couple somewhere.I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
Now a little Shrinking Violet.
Originally posted by piskieinboots View Postmade me laugh when she said 'usually I stand by the road and count the traffic for 10 minutes' .. I said 'not many cars at all here but they (kittens) may try to swing off the rails of the helicopters'
Originally posted by piskieinboots View Postshe was way more 'thrilled' by the fact that she had to pass a man with a gunit seems they (in the GuardRoom) said to her 'oh, you are going to see my Boss' wife' ... ROFL
Actually, if it was me, I'd have to do a number of follow up visits....
*is it me, or is it warm in here...?
Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View PostIs it me, or was that not the most sensible comment you could have made there
Thankfully she actually giggled and said 'oh yes hehehe'
*phew now behave Warren!
Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View PostActually, if it was me, I'd have to do a number of follow up visits....aka
Some organisations have more strict rules than others. If you don't quite fit the 'average' pet owner model trying smaller/specialist organisations can work better as they tend to be more 'case by case' rather than rule book.
There are all doing it to get the best possible homes though, they don't want the animals ending back up in rescue. I've been on both sides and it's not easy.
Put yourself in their place, you get a tiny bundle of fluff brought in because someone's been out brought it decided they don't want it and dumped it, it's sick so you spend time and money nursing it back to health and getting attached, it pulls throughAnd then you have to give it to someone else, when someone has already thrown it away once. You're going to be pretty fussy over who you give it to.
I'd rather turn someone down that could have been a great home than not be fussy enough and put an animal in a situation where it could get neglected/injured and it be all my fault.
Imagine how fussy you'd be if you had to rehome your pet, it's pretty hard not to get attached like that even if you know they are just meant to be temporarily in your care
Good luck with the check, it sounds like you'll pass or she'd have just refused to comment
Ps. Sorry for the rant too
I totally get and agree with all of that tamsin - what I don't get and understand is the Service personnel discrimination, that makes no sense to me at all.
But, having said that - it is what it isLast edited by piskieinboots; 31-01-2009, 07:51 AM.aka
When DD (also at Benson) called the CPL to enquire, she was told 'We don't let our cats go to the likes of you'! DD told them she didn't want their cats and went to the RSPCA!
They have a lovely house and garden and as Piskie says nice quiet roads - what on earth is their problem.
Fingers crossed for you Piskie.Life is too short for drama & petty things!
So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!
Originally posted by piskieinboots View Postno, it isn't you - I have this 'ability' to develop an overdose of sarcasm when I am under threat or when I am faced with stupidity - it isn't big nor is it clever.
Sarcasm is my default setting too. Not big or clever, but immensely satisfying, especially when the sarcasmee just doesn't get it.
Tamsin is right, rescue organisations do have to be careful, but they should take each case as individuals. Someone suggested you turn off the vine in readiness for her visit, perhaps you should have left it on..... and open at the Charlie threads.......... no arguing with your dedication and devotion in those.Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.
Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post(...pulls out soapbox and climbs aboard...)
(Rant over. Soap-box back in cupboard!)
Originally posted by piskieinboots View Postyou have my address
Can I have your address Pisk
Anyway, how on earth can this country go on about age, sex, race etc discrimination which is all illegal, and then blatently discriminate against our own boys blue/green/camo that's just downright disgustingHayley B
John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at http://www.justgiving.com/Mac4x4TeamDuke'
An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life
Originally posted by HayleyB View PostAnyway, how on earth can this country go on about age, sex, race etc discrimination which is all illegal, and then blatently discriminate against our own boys blue/green/camo that's just downright disgusting
- applying for credit, often rejected due to too many addresses!
- some of Joe Public snearing and (have actually been known to) spit at servicemen
- at one time, it was a nightmare to vote, that has now been changed due to postal votes
- refusal of entry to some pubs
- me personally, getting a job, I have actually been rejected on the basis of 'oh you will move soon so no thanks' hence me starting my own business in 2000
There are others - but an upside is that we are fairly recession/credit crunch proofaka
Originally posted by piskieinboots View PostNo, not at all - it just seemed the obviously place to start looking for a rescue cat and then I came up against this saga of 'service' being an issue.
I have told her that I am investigating other areas, so if I have found kittens myself before they decide on me - well so be it
Wherever you get your kittens from, as you already know, you will have lots of years of fun, happiness and love.
Bernie aka DDL
PS, he's fast asleep, stretched out on my chair, snoring his head off. Don't want to disturb him. Dexter Dog that is, not my OH!Bernie aka DDL
Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things
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