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I've got stairs!!!


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  • I've got stairs!!!

    Okay that may not sound very exciting, but it is, I promise you

    My OH and I bought a plot of land in February 2007.

    Got planning permission for a self build, knocked down the old dwelling and in November 2007 dug the footings for the new house.

    Progress was good, and we moved heaven and earth to be 'in' for Christmas 08, but it wasn't to be, we were missing two minor details - carpet and a staircase!

    Finally on Friday morning the stairs arrived, and by this evening we had installed them (minus the bannisters), but to have a proper staircase not just a borrowed ladder is such a huge leap forward for us. It marks the end of the dirty/dusty work - now we can start cleaning everything, do the glosswork, fit the carpet and move in!

    It's soooo exciting

  • #2
    lol if i came out with a statement like that, it would be cos the stars had burn't down or fallen off .... and someone had just been to refit them

    anyway congratulations ..... do you offer congrats for new stairs??


    • #3
      Congrat PB

      I'm just waiting for final Planning Permission to build on our plot, I can't wait until we have foundations so I envy you your stairs.

      I hope you will be very happy in your lovely new home.


      • #4
        You should have said before, I've just pulled some stairs out of my place, as I had far too many of them.
        Congrats though, I bet that really is one giant step for PumpkinBecki kind.
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #5
          Wonderful for you Becki - we had been living in our house for a year before we replace the ladder for proper stairs! (not easy in the middle of the night when you need a wee and it is two floors below!)

          I am very envious of your practicality!


          • #6
            Originally posted by tootles View Post
            Wonderful for you Becki - we had been living in our house for a year before we replace the ladder for proper stairs! (not easy in the middle of the night when you need a wee and it is two floors below!)

            I am very envious of your practicality!
            Never heard of a bucket or a po under the bed? Oh those were the days .................................... (when I was a little girl and the toilet was in the back yard)

            Bet you can't wait to move in now. Well done on getting your house finished
            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


            • #7

              It'll start feeling like a real home now!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #8
                Congratulations on your large step up (and forward) towards living in your new home
                Happy Gardening,


                • #9
                  very envious, you must be thrilled
                  Yo an' Bob
                  Walk lightly on the earth
                  take only what you need
                  give all you can
                  and your produce will be bountifull


                  • #10
                    Very jealous, our extension quotes are coming in at double our whole budget so it might be a while before our stairs are knocked about!


                    • #11
                      I'm so pleased for you Pumpkin Becky. You'll really feel as if you have the whole place now. Do you keep running up the stairs to see if it's all still there and admire it.

                      Janeyo, keep shopping for those extention quotes. When we had an extention built the top quote was 3 times the lowest quote. We had to take the lowest quote as it was all we had and they did a good job for us. But they did take ages to do the work as they were working on other jobs as well. In the end we were happy with it.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                      • #12
                        Thanks guys,

                        Its been quite a task, and in the current financial/property situation, it probably wasn't a very clever thing to start self building (but then you'd never do anything if you always waited for the perfect time ).

                        I do come over all warm and fuzzy whenever a neighbour stops us and says how great it looks and how well it fits into the village. I've attached a little photo of it so you can see what I've been banging on about (this was taken in November, and we do have a block paved drive now instead of rubble!).

                        Being in a conservation area we had to jump through hoops to get this built, but I think its been worth it, and the stairs are the fianl piece of the jigsaw for me, its no longer a building site, its our new home.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Pumpkin Becki; 06-02-2009, 12:26 PM.


                        • #13
                          It looks just great Pumpkin Becky. You must be so proud. I wish you many happy years in your new home.

                          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                          • #14
                            Wow - how great to have built that yourselves, well done Becky and co!!

                            How many times have you been up and down the stairs today, just because you can?! I remember when we built years ago (in another lifetime when I had a 'husband') the hoops we had to go through to even get to the stage of being allowed stairs, so extra specially well done to you!!
                            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


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