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Who has Snow


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  • #61
    it's funny ... how no one has any idea how to drive in snow ..... it's the look of horror on their faces as they are heading towards each other knowing they are gonna hit .... and theres nothing they can do


    • #62
      Snowing fairly hard now in east Norfolk, but not laying.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #63
        A little sprinkling at home on the north lancs coast... not even half a centimetre! Roads not gritted but completely clear and ice free!

        About an inch at work (Lancaster) and still snowing - not enough to be sent home though!!


        • #64
          You'd think there would be advice on the TV wouldn't you -say after the weather forecast???

          I remember when we were kids we had 'advice' slots on the telly- such as close a farmers gate..keep your dog on a lead in a field with animals in..road safety....
          apparently my daughter slid into the back of a bus this morning- doing about 2mph down hill! - she and car and bus are fine..but she was more than shocked as it's her first encounter with slipping in the ice
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #65
            The first time I ever drove by myself, I went to a job interview. While I was inside it suddenly went white and 2" of snow settled. When I came out I had no real idea that it would be different!?! I was driving my father's Volvo and tried to do a 3 point turn out of the cul-de-sac. Utterly terrifying.

            Luckily I just missed the row of garages......


            • #66
              loads here

              No trains, no buses, can't get to work. shame
              Attached Files
              Last edited by FoxHillGardener; 02-02-2009, 11:58 AM. Reason: changed picture


              • #67
                One good thing about snow!
                Everybody's garden/allotment looks the same!
                The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                Brian Clough


                • #68
                  Big fat wet flakes falling in Jersey, but not sticking - at least not where I am. Last time I saw this was exactly 18 years ago, to the very day - I remember it very well as I was in hospital giving birth, and the little sprog is now 6 foot tall and 18 years old tomorrow!
                  Never say never!


                  • #69
                    My son made me phone the school to check it was open, he really wanted it to be closed - and he loves school normally!. As we only live about 1/2 mile away we had no reason to be snowed in lol.

                    When I was teaching we were told we had to go to the nearest school to teach for the day if our own school was shut.... did anyone EVER do this? Not to my knowledge, we all had an extra long lie in and caught up with the marking!


                    • #70
                      Brilliant snow in London!

                      We have tons of the most beautiful Chrismas Card snow here. About 8inches!
                      See attached pix of garden etc.
                      Attached Files


                      • #71
                        lol bw mine looks beautiful, hope the veggies and strawberries are ok under it, i can't even see my leeks

                        apparently if you can get into london in your car, (not easy apparently) there will be no congestion charge today


                        • #72
                          Hmm do I need anything from London today (70 miles ish).. er Nope, will stay at home thanks
                          Last edited by janeyo; 02-02-2009, 11:56 AM. Reason: typo


                          • #73
                            stopped here but.................. kids and i have had a lot of fun on the way back from the shops, stocked up on food, and then ran the 'gauntlet' of families building snowmen on the way back, we got pelted, ambushed some friends, got ambushed by more, the kids are now in frozen to the bone the most fun they have had in weeks. Just waiting for it to start snowing again now as we are supposed to have more this afternoon and tonight, followed by rain hopefully to wash it all away, we shall see.

                            So we have enough food in now to last until wednesday when it should be better weather before the next predicted large fall on thursday.
                            Last edited by BrideXIII; 02-02-2009, 11:58 AM.
                            Vive Le Revolution!!!
                            'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                            Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by janeyo View Post
                              My son made me phone the school to check it was open, he really wanted it to be closed - and he loves school normally!. As we only live about 1/2 mile away we had no reason to be snowed in lol.

                              When I was teaching we were told we had to go to the nearest school to teach for the day if our own school was shut.... did anyone EVER do this? Not to my knowledge, we all had an extra long lie in and caught up with the marking!
                              we could never get to school if it was snowing cos we didn't have to walk 5 miles, and the buses couldn't get through to school, ditto if there was tons of rain, cos we had to go over a big stream, and it always flooded all the roads that led to school and the buses couldn't get through, cos the bus would flood

                              Originally posted by tootles View Post
                              The first time I ever drove by myself, I went to a job interview. While I was inside it suddenly went white and 2" of snow settled. When I came out I had no real idea that it would be different!?! I was driving my father's Volvo and tried to do a 3 point turn out of the cul-de-sac. Utterly terrifying.

                              Luckily I just missed the row of garages......
                              at least you were in a volvo lol

                              Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                              You'd think there would be advice on the TV wouldn't you -say after the weather forecast???

                              I remember when we were kids we had 'advice' slots on the telly- such as close a farmers gate..keep your dog on a lead in a field with animals in..road safety....
                              apparently my daughter slid into the back of a bus this morning- doing about 2mph down hill! - she and car and bus are fine..but she was more than shocked as it's her first encounter with slipping in the ice
                              they have been saying if you don't need to go out ..... don't bother lol ...... i really need some shavings and straw, but think i might not bother
                              Last edited by pigletwillie; 02-02-2009, 12:23 PM.


                              • #75
                                We have about 3in at the mo, dark, throwing it down sideways now, it was bright sunshine half an hour ago

                                Fab pics of REAL snow from the other grapes, enivious


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