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hypnotheraphy advice


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  • hypnotheraphy advice

    not the most cheery of posts my eldest daughters nearly 19 ,has aspergers,depression and mild ocd which seems to be escalating,we have been every where nhs wise passed from pillar to post!
    on sunday she was suicidal this is coman with her nhs told us basically mental health is brushed under the carpet & theres not a lot they can do.
    its causing such a strain on all of us as a family.
    typed in depression & up came hypnotherapy,& priory think hypnos cheaper option anyone got any opinions or experiences ?

  • #2
    So sorry to hear your daughter is feeling so awful. NHS has a duty of care so do not let them fob you off! If your GP has a reason to think your daughter may be a danger to herself or others she has a statutory requirement to refer her to your local CMHT, (community mental health team). I would suggest your GP be your first point of call and insist on a referal to a psych or clinical psychologist.

    I dont know how effective hypnotherapy is in such situations. I had it too little effect to stop smoking. Prob didnt work cos I didnt really want to quit Treatment centres like the priory are available with NHS funding, so again your GP should be able to help. If he/she can't then I would suggest a different GP!

    Just to say I am speaking only from my own personal experience and not as a qualified professional. Was just a bit mad for a while, some say I still am!
    Last edited by FionaH; 04-02-2009, 02:49 PM.
    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


    • #3
      arrr i am so sorry my son has aspergers, but he is only 8 and i think depression is more common in girls with AS, i think anything is worth a go, especially hypnosis, i have been hypnotised an it is really good, but as you say AS is a mental health issue of sorts.

      I think hypnosis is a good choice, but contact a well known hypnotist and seek their advice as unfortunately we know there is no cure for AS, its a sad thing our children go through and cope with all of their lives.

      I wish you luck x


      • #4
        Originally posted by FionaH View Post
        So sorry to hear your daughter is feeling so awful. NHS has a duty of care so do not let them fob you off! If your GP has a reason to think your daughter may be a danger to herself or others she has a statutory requirement to refer her to your local CMHT, (community mental health team). I would suggest your GP be your first point of call and insist on a referal to a psych or clinical psychologist.

        I dont know how effective hypnotherapy is in such situations. I had it too little effect to stop smoking. Prob didnt work cos I didnt really want to quit Treatment centres like the priory are available with NHS funding, so again your GP should be able to help. If he/she can't then I would suggest a different GP!

        Just to say I am speaking only from my own personal experience and not as a qualified professional. Was just a bit mad for a while, some say I still am!
        dont ask refered us they say shes not bad enough gotta get re reffered to who we originally referred to who referred us to them!!!if that makes sense dr says i gotta chase it up got 2 names no phone no.they ought to live with her,its heart breaking


        • #5
          I don't know about hypnosis- but exercise is good for depression- are there any classes you could go to with her ?
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Have you ever heard of NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming. Google NLP. Also Google Richard Bandler. Hubby had bad depression years ago and he got free therapy sessions at the local Uni - practice for the psychology students. He found it very helpful. Do you live near a Uni with a psychology dept?


            • #7
              I don't know if depression can be helped by hynosis, but as the whole point is to reprogramme the unconscious mind, then it seems worth a try.

              Go to Hypnosis CD, DVD and MP3 download products. State of The Art Hypnotherapy CDs and Downloads. which will list all the CD's by Glenn Harrold, I just looked and none actually titled "Overcome depression", but lots of stuff for building confidence and relaxation, which may help.

              However the reason I suggest you direct to the site rather than just buy a CD off Amazon, is because you can then contact them direct and ask if it will help your daughter.

              The company and so I suppose Glenn Harrold is based in Kent, so you could talk with him about a personal session, which he may record for your daughter to use at home thereafter.

              You might be even able to access hypnosis via your GP?

              Again I don't know what's available, but also ask if there is any family support groups, in the same way that AA have.

              Good luck


              • #8
                sorry to hear of your situation,i can sympathise with you,if you not tried,mind,then give them a go,nothing to loose,and everything to gain,good luck.
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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