Watch out if you have pet insurance..
We made a claim as our cat has had recurrant cystitis and finally last month she was admitted and stayed in for scans and 3 days in the vets - thats fine we had insurance.... �300+
we previously had some medication for her on a different visit but didnt claim from the insurance (as were nt one for claiming things).
Finally chased the insurnace people today and they said we are only getting �70 back as the vets secretary had put all the dates of treatment down and including the very first one, this has exceeded our 12 months of cover for one illness!!!!!!!
what the f...... do we do now, were waiting for her to have more xrays and scans done (we were going to book her in once we got the claim back). The vet suggested we did this to ensure we had all the test done covered by the insurance) and the end of the 12 months decide what we are going to do about her.
I'm soooo mad I could cry..... Thank you for my winge, but what do we do.
We made a claim as our cat has had recurrant cystitis and finally last month she was admitted and stayed in for scans and 3 days in the vets - thats fine we had insurance.... �300+
we previously had some medication for her on a different visit but didnt claim from the insurance (as were nt one for claiming things).
Finally chased the insurnace people today and they said we are only getting �70 back as the vets secretary had put all the dates of treatment down and including the very first one, this has exceeded our 12 months of cover for one illness!!!!!!!
what the f...... do we do now, were waiting for her to have more xrays and scans done (we were going to book her in once we got the claim back). The vet suggested we did this to ensure we had all the test done covered by the insurance) and the end of the 12 months decide what we are going to do about her.
I'm soooo mad I could cry..... Thank you for my winge, but what do we do.