got a slight issue with my laptop power supply,ie it's b****x*d unless it's just the fuse ........... so i'm on robs old pc, and i can't sit in this chair for too long, so don't worry i'm not dead yet lol
No announcement yet.
weird i know, but i may be a bit quiet for a while
Wot...........the Vine without Lynda..........Waffle waffle waffle.........
(Ducks and runs for cover ......
...........................................................................................................................................All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
Nope - sorry, not allowed!
Get yourself sorted
She wont be able to stay away for long, her nosiness will get the better of her lol..........hmmm i had the same problem, take the battery out of the laptop, put back in and charge for an hour, see how it goes
Aint it quiet without her lol ((((((((((wind blowing around the vine)))))))))Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today
i is here....... tis the power supply its b****xed
i will be on but only a couple of times a day, just to check up and make sure you're all behaving, have just sent kids to B&Q for some hardboard, and they are gonna put the shed roof on when they get back, so it's being very productive, everything's crossed that we get it finished or at least nearly finished today
once chooks are outside, i can move the pc....... gonna be a couple of weeks toll i can afford a power supply
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