Originally posted by janeyo
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Grape Afloat!
Back again at last!
Sorry that it's been so long since I updated this - I hope you hadn't thought that I'd sunk without trace. I've been so busy that I have only had time for a brief glance at the Vine, just so that I didn't fall too far behind with all the posts!
Well, the Rowing Championships loom large - I'll be off at some ungodly hour of the morning on Friday next week
*Takes deep breaths and tells self not to panic*
Actually I'm just really, really excited about it all now - I reckon that I've done almost the best I can to prepare, just need to keep at it, and stay focused. The last few rowing sessions have gone really well - went out twice over the weekend, on Saturday the sea was quite rough, which made for an interesting time (It's really hard to balance yourself and the oar when you're getting chucked about from one side to another, and I felt seasick when I had to adjust my footrest!), we practised the 'long' race, which is about 25mins, plus the time to row out to the start of course, so we cover quite a distance. Then on Sunday it was flat calm and so different, much easier, although as we practised the 10 min sprint race it was very hard rowing. We reached our best speed yet though, of just over 6 knots, so all felt pleased with ourselves. Hopefully we'll improve upon that in the actual race too, seas permitting.
We now have our team clothing, so should look the part if nothing else, although the t shirts are not the most flattering garments, and the sweatshirt could make a good dress on me!
I have had the most incredibly generous sponsorship of �100, which is absolutely fantastic, and very, very kind, so now, together with donations, and bits and bobs that I've managed to sell, I have raised �220, so feel much calmer about the financial side, as I did panic about that on quite a few occasions. Once again a huge thank you to those Grapes who have helped out, you're stars! And thanks to all that have replied to the thread for all your support, it's a big help
I'm out rowing again tonight, the sun has vanished at the moment, but hopefully it will stay dry, and the sea's not too lumpy. We're hoping that we manage to get out a couple of times before Sunday, when the last gig gets packed up to be trailered down to the Scillies - after that it's the rowing machines and general keeping fit until we reach the islands on Friday, when I have my first race at about 6pm.
I'll try to keep you updated, but I've been so busy with training and gardening that Vine time has had to be cut back (pruned?). And now, you'll be relieved to know, I shall stop rambling. I'm off to the plot!
Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
Well done - no wonder you're excited! Good luck with it - we're all behind you cheering!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Originally posted by Glutton4... View PostWell done so far! Fingers crossed for you. Will it be on Telly?
Went out again tonight - sea a bit lumpy again, but not quite as much as Saturday. OH came along with the children - well, not on the boat, obviously- and took some pics, although bless him, he's not David Bailey in that regard! Anyway, I'll have a look and if you can actually see me (or indeed the boat
), I'll attempt to get a pic on here.
Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
Well folks, prepare to be famous - or sort of any rateRead on....
I was approached via a PM on here a few months ago by Rowing & Regatta magazine (I hadn't heard of it either!), whose press cuttings agency had spotted my posts on here - the lady from the magazine joined up to the Vine in order to PM me. Originally she asked if I would be interested in writing a piece for the magazine, but then decided that it would be better if I helped 'cover the World Championships' for them! Well, I had a call yesterday from the journalist chap who is going out to the Champs, asking me about myself and whether I would be happy for him to do a piece on me, with specific emphasis on the support I've had from YOU, the Grapevine! He wants to take a picture of me with the magazine, so yes, you're all coming to the Isles of Scilly with me, in a virtual kinda way. I'm tickled pink about it to be honest - I emailed the GYO new editor, Lucy, yesterday, as I thought she might be interested to hear about it all, hopefully it will be good publicity for GYO - cross pollination happens with magazines too apparently! Lets see how many seadog types are also gardeners, a fair few I'd imagine.
We had our last training session as a full crew last night (2 of the crew can't make our last row on Sunday - after that all the boats will have gone to Scilly), and it was great. We did our best time ever, and felt really buoyed up by it. We all realise that there will be many crews who can row a great deal faster than us (our own clubs ladies first team just for one!), but if we can feel we've done our best, than that's enough for us, after all, at least 3 of us have only been rowing at all since last May. And we're already planning some more, local, races for over the summer, so we're keen. Hopefully we'll manage an even faster time in the Scillies as well, when we're racing against other boats and the adrenalines up.
I did find a couple of pictures that OH took t'other night that were okay really, but I can't work out how to get them from that camera onto here, may have a bash later. Anyway, it won't be long until I can show you pictures of the 'real thing', eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Not to mention the one in R & R mag of course
Relaxing with a Pimms in hand now, and really, really glad it's Friday - have a good weekend allLife is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
Yeek- off to the Champs tomorrow!!!
I'm having one of those wandering-about-not-settling-to-anything days today - tummy all of a twist, as it has arrived - I'm off to the World Gig Racing Championships tomorrow
I'm so excited that it's quite comical really, feel like a 5 year old on Christmas Eve, with a bit of nervousness thrown in! And I'm going to miss the family so much - first time I've ever been away from them. DD was a bit tearful last night, and spent the night in with us as she couldn't get to sleep. Know she'll be fine once I've gone though, and she's best friends with her Daddy, and Big Bruvs too.
Can't believe it's finally here, and the next time I'm on the Vine I'll be able to tell you all how it went, and have pictures....
Righto, better go and pack - my team kit is all in the tumble drier, as it is still chucking it downhope it improves over the weekend....
And I never did get those peas in either!Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
I was thinking about you this morning sweetheart......you take real good care of yourself, enjoy it and do your best, will be thinking about you the whole time and I am so proud of you for doing this, it seems MONTHS ago since we started on about all this. I envy you taking the leap of faith and doing something for YOU! Good luck and cannot wait for your return.
Love Mo xxxx
PS can you plz send me your email addy xxDont worry about tomorrow, live for today
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