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Tooth fairy - how much?


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  • #31
    I used to get 10p then it was upped to 20p for the last few. My niece gets 50p - �5 is just ridiculous.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #32
      1.00 in our house, i used to get 10p!
      Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


      • #33
        Originally posted by Alison View Post
        I used to get 10p then it was upped to 20p for the last few. My niece gets 50p - �5 is just ridiculous.
        I totally agree and will never go over the one pound,but it gets really tricky when they come home from school with their tales of how much more their friends's the same with Father Christmas.....he only gets ours the really little stuff....pencils/orange/sweties etc.....we then have to try & work out how to explain to them that No they haven't been any naughtier than their mates & no FC nor the Tooth Fairy think any less of them.
        If they thought it was us being tight/poor it would be easier to explain that we haven't the money....but what the heck do you say when they think it's the tooth fairy giving preferential treatment!
        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


        • #34
          I know what you mean, my son wanted to know why the naughtiest boy in his class got a quad bike for xmas and all the gear (they are ony 4 years old!)... when he was always naughty.


          • #35
            Originally posted by happybunny View Post
            I got �1 for two front milk teeth then it was 50p

            But dear grapes, I have a toothy story to tell... gather round

            When I was at my auntie's house in Wolverhampton we visited the playpark and I was playing quite happily. Then we decided to run from the grit area to the grass area, as I run I full and I snapped my only 3 week old grown up big tooth IN HALF!!!. Also skinned nose and lips and knees... Now i've got half a falser and i'm only 13

            Stacey xXx

            P.S My 500th Post
            Over and Out
            Very Similar story here...I was at school and we were running along to see the fireworks when this poisonous 1/2 pint turd called Matthew Stag pushed me into a metal post splitting my newly grown adult incisor. Apart from the discomfort of having the nerve drilled out and three successive posts with several temporary crowns and then four successive adult crowns...the bill has so far been over �5,000...with the prospect of ruining other teeth with bridge work when this last post eventually rots loose from the jaw bone .....the tooth fairy didn't pay for that... occasionally wondered if I should track the little toerag down and present him with an invoice.

            Sorry had to get that one off my chest!


            • #36
              Good job you're not still bitter about the whole thing though paulottie

              Sounds painful though.


              • #37

                Normally I'm quite a forgiving fella, life too short for grudges, but in this case I didn't like him in the first of those that compensate for their lack of stature by being an extrabig and vicious pain in the neck(jaw bone)....and after all here I am still paying (and feeling it) for it some 33 years later.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ailsasyl View Post
                  Scremed more like, a trip to hospital, then dentist once we were home false bit put on, which kept breaking off as her tooth stuck out slightly due to thumb sucking, referal to orthodontist, a brace put in with a special bit on to stop her thumb sucking(stops them getting the suction oon the thumb so not the same sensation) it worked then second brace for about a year to pull tooth into line, the false bit hasn't broke of since! She has a small scar under her nose from the fall, don't know who got more of a fright, us aults that were there HB or my sisters step son who was really worried about her! kis who' have them!
                  No shame in screaming dudette, I would do the same if it happened to me now.
                  Least it seems to be all fixed now.
                  Bob Leponge
                  Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


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