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A what have you been buying thread!


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  • #31
    Unfortunately I made a fatal trip to the garden centre today and came away with two mesh panels (to put under my compost bins, cos I found a tunnel!!!), root trainers, coir pot in 2 sizes, French marigold seeds, Early Nantes carrots seed, Chantenay red core, Spring Onion white lisbon, winter spring onions and cucumber cucino, small plant labels, and some steel pegs (amazing what you can get in a trolley in 20 minutes!!). I then went into town as it's my daughters 18th on Sunday and got card, wrapping paper and some prezzies.......and now I'm worn out and spent out!
    AKA Angie


    • #32
      Nothing.. I'm trying very very hard not to spend at the moment ... though I am planning a dawn raid on Lidl on saturday for a bonsai tree!

      I did get an aquarium off freecycle for my hamsters though... (without the water!)


      • #33
        I went to lidl and wilkys today, lets just say I have been told I really cant go again
        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


        • #34
          My favourite record shop is to close.
          Selectadisc is to close after over 40 years in business.

          I went to Nottingham on Wednesday & bought 10 CDs .......COST?...........�37.

          I don't know when they will finally close but there were still bargains to be had.

          Selectadisc - Online CDs and vinyl records – buy music on line from Selectadisc
          Last edited by bubblewrap; 06-03-2009, 07:09 AM.
          The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
          Brian Clough


          • #35
            I have just received my 10 propogators from wilkinson(2.59 each plus small delivery charge) I can't wait to start sowing. My mum has just sent me my 40th (not just yet>>>2 weeks to go!) present - a kenwood mixer- fantastic!


            • #36
              I have bought a new shotgun if that counts.
              All vehicles now running 100% biodiesel...
              For a cleaner, greener future!


              • #37
                Visit to Aldi -

                Tree protectors
                Blackberry bushes/canes - 3 of
                Redcurrant bushes/canes - 3 of
                MORE propagator type stuff

                From Homebase (with a christmas vouchers)
                MORE propagator stuff
                Borlotti bean seeds


                • #38
                  Popped into co-op yesterday for some essentials and came out with four packets of seeds. Today did weekly shop and came away with grass seed!

                  Planning a trip into wilko next week.

                  Updated 23rd February 2009


                  • #39
                    i just splurged on a load of nature ID stuff- book/cd of bird songs andcalls, book/cd of wildlife sounds, ID book of grasses and 2 ID charts- one for freshwater fish th eother for butterflies.

                    im a nature geek

                    im fed up of kneeling down tending my beds at the allotment hearing tons of birds and not knowing what they are... i have a HND in countryside management, i SHOULD know this stuff!

                    i should feel bad for splurging, but i got good prices on them and they are an investment!


                    • #40
                      I had a lovely trip to LBS yesterday morning and bought onion sets, 3 x module/cell trays (84p for a stack of 10), 3x biodegradeable pots (40p for 10), 2 packs of labels (�1 for 50) and a new labelling pen. Gosh i love that shop!!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by matthew2riches View Post
                        I have bought a new shotgun if that counts.
                        We won't ask who has upset you!
                        Gardening forever- housework whenever


                        • #42
                          Trying not to spend too much at the moment but afraid I went in to wilkies the other day and you have to buy something in there don't you.Came out with seed pots Pink Fir �1 and coriander seeds 80p. Bargain!
                          Gardening forever- housework whenever


                          • #43
                            Looking to go to Lidls tommorrow goodnes knows what i'll find there this time, I'm hoping for another 1-2 rose arches depending on what OH lets me get away with!
                            Peaceful days are in the garden!


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