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Do you read novels?


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  • Do you read novels?

    I'd like to pick your brain for some info if you do.

    I'm going to set up a website for a new author - a mystery writer - and I wondered what sort of info to include.

    So if you've a favourite author do you visit their website?

    If not, why not?

    If yes, then what do you go to find out? What would make you return for another visit?

    Do you have any favourite authors' website that I might find useful to visit for inspiration?

    Thanks to anyone who replies.
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower

  • #2
    The only author websites I visit are when a book is really really good and I want to find out background character info that extends the enjoyment or to find out when the next book is due and what it might be about.


    • #3
      this is a pal of mine, she has written many books, but not usually novels, not sure if that makes it useless to you or not

      hope it helps


      • #4
        I read novels but probably would visit a website if it was really good.......need to include a summary of novelist, photos, previous books, possible forthcoming books, recommendations.......also links to book selling sites and also if it is possible to purchase directly from the novelist?

        Good luck it sounds interesting and fun!
        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


        • #5
          Hi SBP

          The only reason I visit an authors website is to see if there's any books I've missed(possiblity of being printed by another publisher) and if the book I've just read is part of a series,is to see when the next book is due in print.

          Hope this helps
          Never test the depth of the water with both feet

          The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

          Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


          • #6
            I tend to visit websites only if I want to find out what order to read a series in
            WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


            • #7
              My favourite author has a fantastic website:

     : Homepage

              The website integrates really well with the books, characters and alike. Anyone that knows his books will find the wbesite fantastic - it may not make much sense to anyone else.
              A simple dude trying to grow veg.

              BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

              Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

              What would Vedder do?


              • #8
                Hmmm, well so far it seems I better tell the author to write more books!

                What sort of background character info might be interesting zazen?
                To see a world in a grain of sand
                And a heaven in a wild flower


                • #9
                  I read tonnes, but the only author's website I've ever visited is JK Rowling's. And that was because she put clues to what might be in the next books, and fascinating snippets of info that never made it into the books.
                  A lot of my favourite authors are dead, so there's a limit to the information about them that could be put on a website.


                  • #10
                    I just read so much its beyond the pale. My bedside cabinet is always heaving under at least half a dozen books and quite often have more than one book on the go at any one time.

                    My favourite authours books are bought as hardback to keep, I have a full collection of Tom Clancy first editions, 3 copies of "catcher in the rye" ansd a whole case of classics. The loft is full of paperbacks and I have even sent a parcel of them to a grape to try to lessen the rafters load.

                    With reference to websites, I have never visited one.


                    • #11
                      I think my main reason for looking up author websites is to see what else they've done/what order their books are in.

                      I do like background info though! One of my faves is Stephen Booth official website - Cooper & Fry series and he has links to things pertaining to his own work (Peak District settings etc) but also more general stuff about crime/mystery novels.
                      I was feeling part of the scenery
                      I walked right out of the machinery
                      My heart going boom boom boom
                      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                      I've come to take you home."


                      • #12
                        Thanks SH I've seen Steven Booth's website before (we used to live near the Peak District), but I never knew this...

                        While living on a smallholding in Yorkshire, Stephen began breeding pedigree dairy goats as a hobby and as an extreme contrast to working in busy news rooms!). He later served on the British Goat Society's governing body and judged at shows all over Britain. He has been chairman of several clubs, including the charity fund-raising Just Kidding Goat Society, and probably his most unusual role was as a director of an artificial insemination company. Specialist publications he's been responsible for include a book on one of the country's oldest goat breeds, The Toggenburg. He is the current President of the Toggenburg Breeders Society.
                        Any more favourite authors' websites?
                        Last edited by smallblueplanet; 23-02-2009, 07:47 PM.
                        To see a world in a grain of sand
                        And a heaven in a wild flower


                        • #13
                          I read lot of novels. I collect books like I collect seeds!lol I usually visit the authors website if Im reading a set about a particular character for example Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell. Usually wanting to know when the next book will be released. I'm banned from purchasing any books for a while as hubby got me a bag full from the charity shop that I haven't started yet so will have to buy seeds instead.

                          Last edited by Herbie; 23-02-2009, 08:01 PM. Reason: Forgot to include web addy

                          Updated 23rd February 2009


                          • #14
                            I'm with SarzWix!

                            I read a lot - but usually find books by browsing on shelves or reviews. Can't remember the last author's website I looked at apart from JK Rowling (and that's just because it's such an interesting one!)

                            If I were to look at one - I'd like to see more than the usual publishers 'puff', background to characters, reading order, things that interest/inform the author. My girls like to email their favourite authors to ask them questions about the books and to try to get their names in print!


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