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Hello from ladywayne!


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  • #16
    Lovely to see you on the Vine LW
    Thank you for sharing Hayden, he is so gorgeous (reminds me why I love my stroppy teenagers ). Looking forward to seeing you, and hearing about his progress.


    • #17
      Welcome LW and congraultions on Hayden's safe arrival. Don't worry - the madness only seems to last about 20+ years or so - and I've loved (nearly) every minute of it!
      Life is too short for drama & petty things!
      So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


      • #18
        What the others said - welcome LW

        I felt like a Great Aunt at the birth, lighting cigars etc, I now I I was here pacing the ground that's fer sure


        • #19
          Lovely to have you joining is LW. You've got a real little belter there - what a gorgeous baby! I'm not saying that just to be kind either - I'm well aware of how many look like Winston Churchill! He really is a lovely little boy. And as for his Dad - well - He's a one-off but you already know that!

          Thanks for letting us share your family photos.

          Love from Flum
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #20
            No longer just a rumour, eh? No slagging off the missus, Wayne!

            Welcome to the vine, LW!


            • #21
              Good to see you on the Vine & Thankyou for sharing all the lovely pics...he's a beautiful baby.
              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


              • #22
                Hello - lovely to 'see' you here. Echoing the others really - big thank you for sharing the photos of your gorgeous baby boy. He looks wonderful - hope you're enjoying every moment! x
                I don't roll on Shabbos


                • #23
                  Lovely to meet you LW, thanks for letting us ahhhh over Hayden - enjoy this bit, it goes so quickly! Take care of the family


                  • #24
                    Welcome to the Vine! It's lovely to 'meet' you.

                    Dwell simply ~ love richly


                    • #25
                      Hello the wife!
                      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                      What would Vedder do?


                      • #26
                        Thank you Ladywayne for sharing your first few precious weeks with Hayden with us all, his little face brightens the dullest of days.

                        You take care and come join us on the vine anytime you like!


                        updated blog - 15 Dec 2009


                        • #27
                          Hello LW, so nice to see you on here,about time too Lol Smashing pics of Hayden, what a beautiful boy he is!!

                          Hope you have fun now you are a Grape as well as Mum. You take care and have a good rest when you can. Love and {{{ hugs }}} to you and yours
                          Live like you never lived before!

                          Laugh Like you never laughed before!

                          Love like you never loved before!

                          One Love & Unity



                          • #28
                            Great to see you on here LW! And a big thanks to you and HW for sharing your pics of Hayden, he is a wee belter,as we say up here!! Keep the pics coming, they help to cheer a dull day!



                            • #29
                              Oh how lovely to "meet" you LadyWayne Thank you so much for letting us all share in welcoming your lovely little boy into this mad world. Don't let your "boys" run rings round you though, let them do the fetching, carrying, lifting and generally worshipping you (as I know you do them!)

                              It's still a bit early for Hayden to make you a cuppa yet though isn't it
                              My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                              • #30
                                Hello Ladywayne and welcome to the vine, we've so loved hearing about your pregnancy and the arrival of Hayden.
                                Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


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