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  • #31
    I forgot!!! I remembered pancake day, but forgot giving stuff up
    We have kind of given up additives, DS was diagnosed with ADHD, so we are giving up additives as far as possible, did loads of baking yesterday, as no more bought biscuits or cakes



    • #32
      my mum as a lay preacher always gives up chocolate for lent, as a pagan, i still do the same, we do pancake day and then eat and drink healthily for the run up to easter, not through any religious conviction , but... a good 'purge' after the winter glut can do nothing but good.

      my favourite adage for years has been ' keep yourself fit enough to indulge your vices '
      Last edited by BrideXIII; 26-02-2009, 10:55 PM.
      Vive Le Revolution!!!
      'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
      Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


      • #33
        The thing about Lent is that it is acceptable to give things up - like alcohol which I used to give up in the days when I drank regularly. Everybody accepted it when you said you weren't dring because it was Lent.This year I am going to give up using the microwave for Lent - to see if I can get along without it with the hope that I can get rid of it forever.


        • #34
          I'm currently vegan (not through choice I might add), don't drink alcohol and I'm on a diet. The only nice food I get to eat is a bit of dark chocolate and if I gave that up I'd go insane! So I'm giving up spending money on 'stuff' and I'm only going to buy things that we actually need.

          Mrs J


          • #35
            I LENT some garden tools out last year and never got them back.. so that's me out of it
            I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


            • #36
              No sorry, but did celebrate parinirvana day on 15th of Feb.

              Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


              • #37
                You don't count the Sundays because you're not supposed to fast on a feast day.

                I'm trying to give up caffeine, as well as alchohol and tv. (This was OHs idea), so far I have a crashing caffeine-withdrawal headache , which I hope wears off soon!
                Growing in the Garden of England


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Woofster View Post
                  ...This year I am going to give up using the microwave for Lent - to see if I can get along without it with the hope that I can get rid of it forever.
                  I gave up mine (not through choice*) in 1995 - I never replaced it and have never owned/used one since, nor will I. I didn't really like it from day one.

                  *Police do - hangover cure, they put cold pizza in the MW, it burst into flames, they threw it into the garden


                  • #39
                    I am giving up chocolate and the money saved will go to my favourite charity, son is giving up playing on his x box and daughter is giving up shouting lol.........OH doesnt believe innit
                    Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                    • #40
                      Sir Fred Goodwin,is going to give up his £700K pension for lent
                      My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                      • #41
                        Giving up alchohol and cheese for Lent.
                        Cheese for me is like chocolate to others, so yes, it will be a penence.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by bramble View Post
                          Giving up alchohol and cheese for Lent.
                          Cheese for me is like chocolate to others, so yes, it will be a penence.
                          I considered cheese, then OH bought some on Shrove Tuesday....... Only cheese I've had so far since then was used in cooking (cheese dumplings are healthier than traditional suet ones, less fat, more protein, etc).
                          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                          • #43
                            Not me sorry, don't believe in it, good luck to all who do though


                            • #44
                              Am trying to give up complaining
                              My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                              • #45
                                *Police do - hangover cure, they put cold pizza in the MW, it burst into flames, they threw it into the garden

                                This story is not giving me a good impression of the Police ! As it happens I accidentally used the microwave today. Don't know if I can keep it up.
                                Have definitely given up Diet Coke for Lent as I am addicted to it and it is not good for me - the plan is to not take it up again after Lent. We shall see...


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