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I am evil!


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Snadger View Post
    Got a lift off someone who's dog had produced 'doggy farts' in the car, phewww........think i'll just walk next time!
    Thats nasty Thing is when my dog does that, he turns round and looks really suprised and then looks at one of us!!!!!!!
    AKA Angie


    • #17
      Originally posted by stephenwithap View Post
      just had my eldest dog to vets he has bad cough and his back legs have just stopped working he cant jump and wimpers all time even when led down
      but when we got him to vets he livened up lol
      but they say he has got atheritis in back legs he nearly 20yrs old so not bad goin
      then as we was leaving well just as they gave me the bill he pooed on the floor
      lol he must have thought he would make them earn their money lol
      although it wasnt that bad a lot less than i thought would be
      i thought he was on his way out
      he my best mate dont wanna loose just yet
      i have two others but me been with me longest we done everything together

      Yep I know how you feel. My dog is 13 and half but getting really slow and has accidents now and then. He's also nearly blind but still manages to negotiate his way round. Some days I think .....this is it and then he suddenly perks up again and starts charging round.
      AKA Angie


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