For several years now my daughters have been asking me about my family tree and therein lay the problem. I was born in Germany to German parents but was adopted by my aunt as a baby and brought over here (she was married to a British serviceman). The picture my adoptive parents painted of my real family was not good so I made no further enquiries and had very little contact. However, my children made me realise that I felt I didn't really belong to either set of families. My adoptive father never talked about his family in Scotland either so I had very little family history to pass on. Anyway a few weeks ago I decided to contact a genealogist to research the Scottish adoptive family and I should be getting the report in the next few days, I can't wait!! I know it's not my biological family but it's the nearest I can get as I don't feel drawn to the German side at all.
Perhaps as you get older you have a need to know
I'm not worried about what I might find out (in fact I'm hoping for some intrigue!!)
Perhaps as you get older you have a need to know

I'm not worried about what I might find out (in fact I'm hoping for some intrigue!!)