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Enough is Enough now! Lets get smiling :-)


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  • #16
    Sun is shining!
    May well get to cuddle my lovely godson later
    Both my kids are safely in school/college!
    Will sneak away from pc(work) to pootle in garden(fun)

    Congrats to all for impending daddyhood, degrees, jobs and general cleverness
    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


    • #17
      I'm happy because I've had a brilliant excuse to bake cakes, biscuits and muffins - without eating them all up and getting HUGE! Our Britian in Bloom group is holding a Spring Fair and Coffee Morning on Saturday and I'm doing a cake stall and a Heritage Seed display. (People can take a few for a donation to the cause - that gets us over sale restrictions, I think.)
      I'm sitting here in the sun sniffing up lemon yoghurt muffins - but I'm being strong - they will go in the freezer till weekend. However, I'm off out later for our village Ladies' Lunch - every 2 months. Lunch lasts about 3 hours of happy chatter and good gossip. Lovely people. It's a real community cohesion thing -we all know each other so much better now.
      2 more weekends work will finish the chicken accommodation - then I'll have my lovely pets hens!
      Only got onions in the ground at the moment but the greenhouse staging and half the borders are full of pots and trays of seedlings - good times ahead!
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #18
        aww thanks very much lainy and Zazen, Its been quite a few weeks. Had the fab month in Mexico (why we are so behind with the allotment!), got my degree results and the job too. Will be working along side young people with autism and challenging behaviour 3 days a week in a specialist college, its my dream job. I am so very lucky.
        We plant the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed - Neil, The Young Ones
        Updated 21st July - please take a look


        • #19
          Yeah the sun has got his hat on here as well! My early toms, chilli's & peppers from 22nd Jan are growing well in 3" pots, not long & they will need potting on again!

          Quite a few of my second set all of toms, peppers and chilli�s have come through lots of them only 4 days after sowing. Also 2 from 2 melon seeds are up and going great guns� and an aubergine as well!

          It's Hump day as they say on My Space! We are up the hill now so rest of week is all down hill from here on

          Saving the best till last!! I got a call from my daughter last night. She was all exited and happy! At the ripe old age of 27 years old and after just less that 3 years in the Metropolitan Police she has passed a very hard and confusing exam, which now makes her officially a Detective Constable yeah! Gone are her days as a WPC! Lol I could not be more proud of her I�m bursting!!!
          Live like you never lived before!

          Laugh Like you never laughed before!

          Love like you never loved before!

          One Love & Unity


          • #20
            Originally posted by roadkill View Post
            1 . Im going to be a daddy

            2 . Im off down the plot in a min

            Congrats on going to be a daddy!
            Live like you never lived before!

            Laugh Like you never laughed before!

            Love like you never loved before!

            One Love & Unity



            • #21
              Originally posted by lainey lou View Post
              Thanks for this thread squashysu!
              Not been popping into the vine much, lately, it's not the happy place it used to be.
              So It's very refreshing to hear all this happy stuff!
              I am happy cause I've spent the last 2 days at the lottie, I've done loads and it looks brill, AND I'm off there again today!

              Same as above + and this is a big + Mr Fox has visited us yet again 3times in 10day and he got nothing - dos a happy happy dance.

              Have a fantastic day everyoneX


              • #22
                Originally posted by Lavenderblue View Post
                I got my degree (a 2:1), I am now a speech and language therapist and I just heard i got the job I went for on friday!

                The allotment is a mess, we've planted nothing except some spuds and some peas but it will all be OK in the end
                Well done all these peeps studying and passing exams its great news all round! well done on the job as well!
                Live like you never lived before!

                Laugh Like you never laughed before!

                Love like you never loved before!

                One Love & Unity



                • #23
                  Lovely thread! Happy Birthday to the 8 year old twins, hope they have a fun day - my 'little' girl was 8 two weeks ago, and yup, that time has flown too. Congrats to all you clever peeps who have got new jobs, passed exams etc - respect! And lovely news Roadkill, I can see why you are smiling.

                  Me - I'm happy because it's another beautiful day, I have a lucky life and a lovely family, my parsnips are showing today, all the crimson flowered Broad Beans that Flummery sent me are growing, and now I'm off to see a good friend I haven't seen for ages, to sit and chat in her potting shed whilst sowing seeds.

                  Happy Wednesday!
                  Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.


                  • #24
                    Congratulations LavenderBlue! I think my speech is beyond therapy, but ahm Northern, yer see. A reeet gobshite if ever there woz wun.

                    Well, after a terrible week last week, I am now AHEAD of my sowing schedule.

                    I have lots of foliage on most of my potatoes, even the second earlies (desiree are being slow, but then they ARE maincrop!).

                    Suzi didn't vomit last night - hurrah!

                    My friend's Mum had a brilliant send off yesterday. They released 61 balloons for her, which I thought was a brilliant idea!

                    I have just ordered my Quantum of Solace DVD, so have some time with my Daniel to look forward to, tee hee!

                    I have successfully purified a very 'difficult' protein and it's looking VERY good so far for a new one, which no-one has done here, before.

                    Sun is out here, too! I don't give a stuff what the others are doing. I AM going out for lunch!!


                    • #25
                      Had along walk in the sunshine with the dogs this morning. The postie thought of my garden and dropped off a bag of manure that fell off a trailer on his route. I've just had some toast and homemade jam and lovely big mug of Earl Grey, I'm in the garden all day digging in the sunshine and the builders have turned up the second day in a row and I have a big yellow Bob The Builder digger in my garden... woohooo!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Flummery View Post
                        I'm sitting here in the sun sniffing up lemon yoghurt muffins - but I'm being strong - they will go in the freezer till weekend.
                        Flum, would you be as kind as to share the recipe? My Lemon Tree has some nice ripe lemons on it and I have yoghurt in the fridge.


                        • #27
                          I'm gonna pot on aubergines and chillies today and sow baby toms and the stuff that's left in my 'March' seed box. Can someone send some sun this way it's a bit dreary........
                          Hayley B

                          John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

                          An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


                          • #28
                            I am very pleased that my son's perforated ear drum has healed fine and he slept through last night for the first ever time. Wohoo!
                   updated 10-03-2010 with homebrew pics & allotment pics


                            • #29
                              1. I seem to have picked a good week (weatherwise) to have off work for a change.
                              2. I'm getting a refund from the taxman
                              3. I'm sat here having a cup of tea watching the birds feeding in the garden, planning the rest of my day, knowing that there are a myriad of other things I need to do but I don't care.


                              • #30
                                I'm happy because:

                                I had a lovely walk on the beach this morning with the woofs
                                My new redcurrant plants have little sprouts on already
                                I got a bag of compost last night so I can plant lots of seeds
                                I've managed to find a lab coat for a fancy dress party on Saturday
                                I found that my rhubarb is growing again (thought I'd killed it last year)
                                I finished making my Mother's Day card last night and am really pleased with it


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