Attended my first allotment AGM last night, was surprised at the animosity towards the council, however, the main item discussed was the problem with rabbits and also whether plotholders dogs should be allowed on the plots.
I was without doubt one of the youngest there at nearly 40! As it was a lovely dry evening I thought I'd walk as it's less than half a mile to the hall.
However, as I was leaving I managed to miss my footing on the pavement and hit the deck!
Today I'm all bruised down my right hand side, have taken the skin off my knees and jarred my shoulder....I never realised attending an AGM could be so damaging
When i phoned the husband to say I didn't think I could walk back his first words were "Where's your car?" and there was me thinking the walk would do me good...hey ho!
I was without doubt one of the youngest there at nearly 40! As it was a lovely dry evening I thought I'd walk as it's less than half a mile to the hall.
However, as I was leaving I managed to miss my footing on the pavement and hit the deck!
Today I'm all bruised down my right hand side, have taken the skin off my knees and jarred my shoulder....I never realised attending an AGM could be so damaging
