They deprived them of more than just their bonuses in the good old days: the following is from the Anglo-Saxon chronicles for 1124, translated by G.N.Garmondsway.
In this year before Christmas king Henry sent from Normandy to England and gave instructions that all moneyers who were in England should be deprived of their members, namely the right hand of each and their testicles below: the reason for this was that anyone who had a pound found it would not buy a penn'orth in a market. Bishop Roger of Salisbury sent all over England, and commanded them all to assemble at Winchester by Christmas. When they came thither they were then taken one by one, and each deprived of the right hand and the testicles below. All this was done in the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany, and was entirely justified because they had ruined the whole country by the magnitude of their fraud which they paid for to the full.
