I cannot stand my next door neighbours and I have tried and been patient for a long time. Their animals are out of control their tom cat needs neutering - it came in and 'sprayed' on my sofa. It messes all over my garden. As if their vile bichon frise(yap yap yap yap yap yap yap......yap yap yap yap yap.....yap yap yap yap - ALL DAY LONG) wasn't bad enough, aaarghhhhhh............!! I am not sure which is worse - that 'dog', their smelly cat, or their revolting teenage children(boom boom boom boom , rubbish music (ooh you can tell I'm 40 now!..and why don't I open my window so I can blast my neighbour out of her garden whilst I can clearly see she is relaxing.) Oh, and lets have all night parties, why don't we? and how about revving our motorbike up outside late at night? why can't neighbours be nice and normal? Like me.....
Has anyone got anything to beat that? You have to laugh!
Has anyone got anything to beat that? You have to laugh!
