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What have you done today?


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  • What have you done today?


    I know there have been similar threads to this but thought it would be nice to have another one.

    A place for us to say what we've achieved and it doesn't have to be garden related...

    I've so far been working on the admin side of things for my stage school, lots of new students which is great!
    I'm about to make myself a cup of tea and sit and watch the rain-I don't like it but I'm sure my new primula will

    Act - Sing - Perform!
    Theatre Cats

  • #2
    I woke up with grand plans of planting seedlings on the lottie... grand plans they still remain!
    Went out to pay some bills, take the recycling, came home, made a bacon sarnie, watched jimmy doherty in darwins garden and now perusing the vine... Now feeling very lazy having said that out loud... must go make an effort


    • #3
      Weather's horrible here so staying inside today,back to work tomorrow.I'll go to light the fire in the fireplace soon.


      • #4
        OOOOh been to lottie with hubby in car to check seedlings, all through lol, much to my relief, nowt worse than lying in a hospital bed worrying whether your beetroot have come through!

        going to check emails and watch LOST
        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


        • #5
          Had a morning trying to find something in the shed ended up tidying up down one side still did not find what i was looking for might do the other side tomorow .
          Ps the shed is 40ft by 20 ft....jacob
          What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
          Ralph Waide Emmerson


          • #6
            big shed Jacob....

            did a very small amount of hoeing, sowed some of my RHS seeds, ironed my shirts (though none needed until next week) and am about to watch Lewis
            The cats' valet.


            • #7
              Originally posted by catbud View Post
              ...and it doesn't have to be garden related...

              Well ok, but you asked for it. Today I have lysed my bacterial cell pellet (mushed em up into a lovely smelling suspension), clarified them (spun out the non-soluble carp) and purified my recombinant protein from the resulting cleared cell lysate. As if that wasn't pure excitement on a stick, I'm concentrating the purified protein and will purify it further on Gel Filtration, which separates proteins according to their size. If I can bear the further excitement, I will order some more consumables for the lab (sadly, we are not allowed to order wine, choccie or cakes on the budget code, boo hiss!).

              In the meantime I have eaten a rather nice lunch - a ciabatta filled with mozarella, chorizo and cherry tomatoes, toasted inside one of those toastie pockets. Yum!

              I may follow that up with an orange. Cos I'm feeling zesty.


              • #8
                Well I planted some lettuce in a tub. My beds aren't ready yet but my boys are terribly enthusiastic and simply can't wait a minute longer to grow things. May start some sweetcorn off in seed trays later. But thats about it. Still waiting for my seeds to arrive in the post. Grrrrr

                Sheesh - I've had right lazy day compared with yous lot. Might go and do a spot of knitting now.


                • #9
                  Today i have been posting my Into and asking questions on site.
                  Moped and clean up as saturday and sunday we devoted all the time to the Gardens front and back.
                  Done 2 loads of washing, hovered through and made some phone calls. checked seedlings in G/h and they are all fine doing well i think, then checked window sill seedling no growth yet but only a week since planted need to go and get a few bits towards Tea as shopping not coming till 8pm tonight.
                  Now of to school to do school run busy busy busy, must remember to o mushrooms tonight


                  • #10
                    It's a beautiful sunny day here in Fife (in between the rain and hail that is), but as one of our horses (the biggest one of course!), stood on my foot yesterday, i cant even get a shoe on to go outside and do some gardening type things. So consoled myself with reading LOADS of threads and posts on here & learned masses - many thanks guys.
                    Then got busy with potting up the dwarf french beans (from an earlier post) in a pot in the conservatory; germinating some parsnips in the hot water cupboard (from a post on here): and sowing some leeks into halved milk containers (from a post on here!)........maybe being laid up isnt so bad after all!!

                    Many thanks to everyone for sharing their tips and advice - i'm loving it.



                    • #11
                      Gorgeous sunny, blowy day but no time outside unfortunately! Huge supermarket shop arrived to be put away; unpacking from weekend away (actually still waiting to be done); started a sloooow-cooked ragu, which will simmer away for 5 hours. Little jobs mount up and basically the only bit of 'garden time' I've had is to pick herbs for ragu and check on salad leaves that are growing. Nice day though!
                      I don't roll on Shabbos


                      • #12
                        10.00 Got up went to Dr...came home for nap....just got up.
                        Now was that today or yesterday or even tomorrow,
                        (I would LOL but not allowed).
                        My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                        • #13
                          now also frontlined the cats and laxed one too, pulled leeks for tea and am really sorry to hear you aren't allowed laughter NOG - hope all is better soon.
                          The cats' valet.


                          • #14
                            It being Monday I went to work at 6.45am and got home at 6.00pm - And so shall it continue till Friday when we're off to Hastings till next Monday. There's not much to do in the garden, I'm quite up to date.


                            • #15
                              went to docs, I can go back to work for summer term, hooray! Had driving lesson - roundabouts - I loved it. My dog found 'someones' football in back garden and destroyed it - hope they don't miss it too much!


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