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Strange finds in the garden ???


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  • Strange finds in the garden ???

    Myself and my partner (lavenderlou) have just started trying to sort our garden out for this years growing season.

    I personally have been trying to get round to it for the last 2 years but due to work commitments and a permanent injury in my back it has been difficult.

    But, I have finally started it !!! due to the credit crunch and all that my workload has dropped off somewhat and I have finally found myself in a situation where I have plenty of time on my hands so I thought I would put my skills to use. (pictures in my album)

    One of the things that as come to my attention whilst gardening was the strange things one digs up.

    Upto now I have dug up.....

    enough bricks to nearly build another house
    a very old pair of pruners, rusted to hell and will never work again
    a 1960 two shillings coin which brought fond childhood memories back for my father
    A total of £1.16 in current money which has gone towards the cost of buying things for the garden!!
    A pile of broken white tiles, enough to tile the bathroom
    countless chidrens toys obviously from previous tenants
    A empty whisky bottle
    a medicine bottle

    So it got me thinking what have other people found in their gardens?
    Last edited by dazzlar3; 24-03-2009, 09:37 PM.

  • #2
    I found my wife in the garden at the weekend - that's very unusual, but she soon remembered where she was when I asked her to help!
    Kernow rag nevra

    Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
    Bob Dylan


    • #3

      And hello Lavenderlou's partner


      • #4
        A lot of old bottles, pieces of very interesting pottery, strange bits of metal, a silver snuff box (might have been valuable if I hadn't found it by putting my fork through it) and loadsa cat poo.
        "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
        "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


        • #5
          A LARGE headlamp-type bulb (presumably from a train as the GWR ran past the end of that garden). Small bottles (oldish, possibly medicine-type).
          Strage bones (possibly cat, from size, but why a cat should have been buried there I can't imagine, it was my parents' garden, and they bought the house when it was first built, and never owned a cat)
          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


          • #6
            Mr H dug a test pit in ours. (no where to be seen whenI want digging done!)
            Found various bits of victorian glassware and a chicken carcass
            WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


            • #7
              I found an old clay pipe in my garden. The stem was broken, but interesting, especially as it was a new build. I don't know if it was from imported 'top soil' or the original plot.
              I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
              Now a little Shrinking Violet.



              • #8
                Old broken lead toys and a st christopher pendant are the most interesting treasures we've found.
                Welcome Dazzlar!


                • #9
                  Welcome Dazzlar - an impressive transformation there - good luck for this season's growing. My garden is only about half a mile from a roman fortlet site, so I keep a very keen eye open when I'm digging - tried to persuade my archaeologist student daughter to join me in the digging many times, but the ploy never worked and I've never found anything very interesting! Although when we first moved in there was an impressive crop of parsnips under the ground!
                  Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                  So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


                  • #10
                    Lots of pottery and a cannon ball!
                    Welcome Dazzlar
                    Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


                    • #11
                      I found a midden !?

                      Dunno if I spelled it correctly but it's like a victorian rubbish tip that remote houses used to have.

                      Found loads of glassware and strange pieces of iron, even the remains of a pack horse saddle !

                      Also found loads of empty wine bottles... oh hang on... they'll be mine


                      • #12
                        Two weekends ago, while digging trenches for the new beech hedge, I found a child's football boot.....
                        Growing in the Garden of England


                        • #13
                          Having read this post remind me that last weekend when OH was digging the Back Garden he found:
                          A Car Horn rusty .
                          a few other bits of metal that at some time also belonged to a car
                          Blue pottery that was that old ( i did check)
                          1/2 pence
                          one full house brick
                          lots of carrier bags and crisp packets not from us i might add.
                          apparently in the 60's it was open land.


                          • #14
                            I found this the other week, on a plot I'd dug several times, including with a rotovator. Standard blue engineering grade housebrick next to it for size comparison.

                            I think it just touched the tip of the spade this time 'cos I'd left the potato ridges to weather overwinter and this was in the dip between ridges.
                            Attached Files
                            Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                            Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                            I support


                            • #15
                              I find cat truffles in my garden. Aside from the donkey shoe, that's the only bit of excitement round here.

                              Now, if we're talking PONY garden (er, field), I have found...

                              a bra from a VERY large chested lady
                              a pair of trousers
                              shoes (always odd)
                              beer bottles ('kin pub!)
                              rabbit pelvis (a few times)
                              a toad living under the pallets in the feed room (for about 3 years, now!)
                              a metal feed trough (appeared after a land-slip revealed the top end of it!)
                              and lastly, not where I am now, but some dirty awful parasite of a human left a poo in my field shelter, complete with the tissues they wiped with. So glad I moved!

                              All finds were on different occasions. The joys of footpaths!


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