hi guys just wanna let everyone know im still here with you all
sorry i have not been on talkin for a while but have been busy with new allotment
as my other got wrecked council gave me another but lot of work needed to be done
bit upset coz other took twelve month to prepare for planting this season
and now got to start over again
and not sure whether gonna be ready
lots of bramble roots and stones and rocks to get rid of
got the shed up so got shelter just waithing for greenhouse that someone has kindly offered to sell me but waiting for delivery
so lots to do and not much time
so very sorry not been on hope you dont think i have been neglecting you all
and bein boring but really have been busy lol
hope to get some time on here now and catch up
all the best with your growing and chicken projects this year
sorry i have not been on talkin for a while but have been busy with new allotment
as my other got wrecked council gave me another but lot of work needed to be done
bit upset coz other took twelve month to prepare for planting this season
and now got to start over again
and not sure whether gonna be ready
lots of bramble roots and stones and rocks to get rid of
got the shed up so got shelter just waithing for greenhouse that someone has kindly offered to sell me but waiting for delivery
so lots to do and not much time
so very sorry not been on hope you dont think i have been neglecting you all
and bein boring but really have been busy lol
hope to get some time on here now and catch up
all the best with your growing and chicken projects this year