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A hen night, a wedding and a funeral...


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  • A hen night, a wedding and a funeral...

    Hen night was brill. Never done kareoke (sp?) before but it was great fun and fantastic that we had a room all too ourselves (all 30 of us!) Apparently the music sounded brilliant from outside but everytime the door opened the people in the main bar were turing round and laughing at all the screeching!

    Wedding was absolutely brilliant. I managed to do my reading without crying. Had to stop a couple of times to compose myself and felt like I must have sounded like a breathless train but had some compliments so I was happy. My sister looked absolutely gorgeous, stunning as did her new husband. I told him I was dead chuffed to have him as a brother-in-law, that I thought the world of him and then reminded him that I hadnt been drinking!

    I kept Bluebelle off school the day before as she had a temperature and I wanted her to be well enough for the wedding and she did quite well. She was also complaining of leg pains and I got a little concerned when she started hobbling at the reception. After speeches etc she lay down on the floor for a sleep as the music made enough noise to keep anyone awake but she was soundo for a good 2 hours. I panicked when she couldnt walk at all when she awoke and had awful trouble getting her to the loo as of course I am not meant to be lifting at all at the mo. Much debate ensued - ambulance, A&E or out of hours doctor but in the end we just went back to the hotel. She still couldnt walk the next day so I booked her in to our local out of hours doctors service then rushed her there where it turns out she has a virus and is much better today.

    Just as we left the hotel we had a phone call from our vets to say our rabbit had deteriorated and asking if we were happy for him to be put down. We agreed so of course we had to collect and burry him last night. Wasnt sure wether to tell you the story as to what had happened to him as I feel so guilty about it. It could be seenas quite a funny story but given that it resulted in his death its also terribly tragic. Please dont think too badly of me is what happened.

    On Wednesday Bashful Bill was found at the backdoor holding the detol anti bacterial surface cleaner. I asked what he was doing and yes you guessed it he replied that he had been cleaning the rabbits. I rushed out there, Dolben (his one) was fine but poor Mackworth (Bluebelles - had to be didnt it ) was literally wet through with the stuff. You know the saying "rabbit caught in the headlights" I understand that saying so well now as he was literally frozen to the spot and that was why he had had such a soaking. I know, I know I shouldnt have left it in reach and yes I left him for longer than 10 mins. I grabbed him and ran upstairs to the bath and doused him in warm water, ran some to soak his undercarrage and then dried him in a towel. I rang the vets to see what else I should do and they said I had done the right thing but to keep and eye on him.

    In the end I took him in to the vets and they admitted him, mainly concerned about his eyes which were ulcerated. He did very well that night but had breathing problems the next day and after drugs to clear lung fluid failed he spent the next afternoon on oxygen. He then picked up and it was looking like we could pick him up Saturday am. I am so glad now we couldnt as my neighbour may not have spotted his further discomfort as he deteriated during Satuday afternoon. It was decided to leave him at the vets as we were traveling to the wedding Friday noon so at least he was in the best place but it was soon apparent that I had made a very costly mistake as the bill was estimated to be �150. I feel absolutly terrible and am rather selfishly thankful that Bluebelle is not more grief stricken as I dont think I could have coped with that.

    Anyway I will draw a line under the matter - sorry if I have upset anyone but telling the story but please let that be a warning to everyone with toddlers that even the unthinkable can happen. Oh incidentaly when I told playschool what had happened it turn out that the kids use an old bottle (like the one he got hold of) which is labeled "snail water" and help to spray the pet snail with it. That did make me feel a little better as it was probally that which gave him the idea.


    Love to you all.
    Tammy x x x x
    Fine and Dandy but busy as always

    God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

    Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!

  • #2
    Ahh Tammy I wondered how you were ae we going to have the weddin g picture with the nice dress x


    • #3
      Poor bunny but your son didnt know bless him. My ex mil did ( years ago ) though when she killed my sons hamster and its much worse than your story. Just after me and the ex split up the boys went to stay with his parents taking the hamster in a small animal container big enough for him for a couple of weeks as he was usually in a large glass tank, MIL decided container was too small so put him in a tupperware box with the um lid on !!! not funny, boys said the hamster had died and I was saying never mind these things happen etc, It wasnt until years later they told me what had happened.
      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
      and ends with backache


      • #4
        I agree with NSB....GOOD LUCK with the scan looking forward to seeing their development!
        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


        • #5
          Aah, he was just trying to help. Bless.

          Report back after tomorrow, 12 weeks+ - that's brilliant news.



          • #6
            Best of luck for tomorrow. Fingers crossed and looking forward to hearing your good news.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • #7
              Poor bunny, you did the right thing cleaning it all off and getting him to the vets though. How was your son to know?, he was 'helping' bless him Perhaps one labelled 'rabbit water' for future use?

              Glad you had a good time at wedding and that Bluebelle is ok.
              Can't wait to hear how Pea and Pod are doing.
              Kirsty b xx


              • #8
                So glad everything seems to be going well for you Tammy - rabbit incident apart.
                Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                • #9
                  Sorry about Bunny!Like others have said...Boy was probably only doing what he thought he'd learnt at nursery.
                  Pleased the wedding went well & bestest wishes for later today...really excited for you!
                  the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                  Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                  • #10
                    Good wishes for today, looking forward to hearing about it.
                    Last edited by maytreefrannie; 07-04-2009, 09:29 AM.
                    My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                    • #11
                      Glad the wedding went so well I think poor buns fate was 'just one of those things'.

                      Looking forward to hearing how Pea and Pod are doing!
                      I was feeling part of the scenery
                      I walked right out of the machinery
                      My heart going boom boom boom
                      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                      I've come to take you home."


                      • #12
                        aww poor bunny

                        sounds like you're very busy but when you get a mo can you pm me re pass the parcel ... it's sitting all folorn on my bedroom floor waiting for an address to be sent to!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sez View Post
                          aww poor bunny

                          sounds like you're very busy but when you get a mo can you pm me re pass the parcel ... it's sitting all folorn on my bedroom floor waiting for an address to be sent to!
                          Will do Sez - sorry Have got 7 PMs re PTPSS to attend to and will do tomorrow. Have two other things on my mind at the mo!
                          Tammy x x x x
                          Fine and Dandy but busy as always

                          God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

                          Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Finedon.Dandy View Post
                            Will do Sez - sorry Have got 7 PMs re PTPSS to attend to and will do tomorrow. Have two other things on my mind at the mo!
                            no problem real life takes priority!


                            • #15
                              Will need an update on pea and pod tomorrow. Poor Bashful Bill, he thought he was doing something good. Sorry 2 of those PM's are from me


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