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biased BBC at the G20


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  • biased BBC at the G20

    I thought that the BBC news gave a biased report about the chap that was pushed over at the G20 summit and died.
    News at Ten on the BBC seemed to say that the Police did nothing wrong. Even that he seemed to be ok after being pushed over with his hands in his pockets, ever parents knows its dangerous to run/fall with your hands in your pockets.
    The online report from the BBC gives a better report saying ....

    "He lands heavily on the ground before remonstrating with police."

    The man was assaulted by a police officer, he then had an heart attack. How does the report by the BBC fit that?

    Did you see it?

    Last edited by Fluorescent green; 07-04-2009, 10:44 PM.

  • #2
    It seems that if, and only IF, his death is ruled at to be the in some way the police fault then, and only THEN, the police's techniques will be regarded as "a bit heavy handed" and open to criticisms.

    What about all the people who went there for a peaceful protest and ended up with open wounds and broken noses ? for no reason at all!!!
    My friend was in the climate camp in Bishopsgate, sitting for hours with no food or water, with no way to get out because of the "kettling"...when the police riot simply CHARGE with no warning !!
    He got a open wound on the head, his friend has had one on the face... he saw a young girl being punched in the face and fall uncounscious on the floor for several minute.... it was a real panic as the police line were pushing with no way to get anywhere ! Everybody was trying to avoid the batons and shields striking and ended up crushing each others! There were absolutely no reasons whatsoever to start the charge, most people were tired and wanted to go home. NO REASONS ?? ( I think there is a benefit for some in turning a protest violent... )

    The worst I think is that they didn't even helped my friend who was bleeding heavily... instead they took his identity and gave him a little paper which explain under which law they had the right to do what they did. And that's only when they decided it was time to go home, at about midnight.

    it's just ugly. it makes me sick.
    Last edited by marialittlebzz; 07-04-2009, 11:07 PM.


    • #3
      This clip shows the incident I will make no comment.
      BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Criminal case call over G20 death
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #4
        He probably had his hands in his pockets to show he wasnt going to do anything and just got caught up in what was happening. Why would you walk into something like that surley there was another route he could have taken, it says he sold newspapers around the corner so he knew his way around.
        It shouldnt have happened.
        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
        and ends with backache


        • #5
          Why are the police so heavy-handed with climate protestors, and not with yobbos and hoodies who terrorise our estates?
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            I have had first hand experience of how the police can behave at a peaceful protest and it is truly shocking
            WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


            • #7
              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
              Why are the police so heavy-handed with climate protestors, and not with yobbos and hoodies who terrorise our estates?
              The simple fact is that a small minority are there for one thing and that is to cause trouble and anarchy under the auspices of peace and poverty if you see the state after one of these so called rallies, you would understand. Poverty my foot when they are causing damage and suffering to ordinary people, how many people got paid because their shop was closed for that day (most earning piddance) or smalll businesses who at the moment are struggling who have to close for another day or pay for the damages.

              The cost is horrendous (clear up, comes out of council's budget which means dear old granny might not get her meals on wheels (From Experience)) and that is just to remove the grafitti never mind the smashed windows, litter and bodily fluids etc.

              As for police brutality, I would like anyone to stand in a line and have abuse hurled at you as well as coins, bottles, urinated and spat on, in which you are not allowed to retalliate. (I have seen this happen)

              If you are there to protest peacefully then why do you need to jibe the police or be in their faces they are there to do an unthankful task. This costs the taxpayer and businesses (who you need on your side) money, you have already lost the battle of minds.

              As for Hoodies and Yobbo's it is not the police's fault it is parents and society, we have become a society that blames everyone else except those responsible. I knew what I was doing 13/14 etc I knew what was wrong and right and I have brought up my sons the same and guess what I or them have never been in trouble not even a speeding ticket.

              If you have a problem goto your local MP Surgery or residents group and you will see how the legal system has its hands tied around its back feet trussed and hung up in a little black room all because of the little cherubs human rights.

              Sorry rant over, but one report is not the truth whether it comes from the BBC or anywhere else! I am sick of this trial by TV and paper.
              Last edited by daleclarke; 08-04-2009, 09:31 AM.
              HAPPY 'Growing My Own'


              • #8
                Two things you have to hold in mind. Neither the Police or the BBC are independant. They are both told what to do by the Govenement, who will deny it when it goes wrong.
                My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daleclarke View Post
                  one report is not the truth whether it comes from the BBC or anywhere else
                  Have you seen the clip? The man is clearly not being aggressive, and he is knocked to the ground by a policeman, who should know better. He should have arrested him, not assaulted him.

                  I'm afraid that policemen can behave like a pack, when in a pack, same as hoodies do, same as football fans. On their own they may be decent people, but in a group the herd mentality & adrenaline can take over
                  Last edited by Two_Sheds; 08-04-2009, 03:28 PM. Reason: clarity
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #10
                    Yes I have seen the clip and the longer version, you can see that the police are asking people to move on and he just ignores them and continues to walk in front of them. Also if you look to the sides there are protesters there and the Police are trying to make them move. Earlier on those same Policeman were being hit with items being thrown. One thing I have learnt a small close-up does not give you the full story and this should of been done properly without condemning the Police before the full facts are found out.

                    So whether he thinks I am a ordinary citizen they do not mean me or something else we will not know, alas the Police do not know he is not part of the Group and look at some previous riots etc and some, the main perpetrators have that stance of hands in pocket head down as if to negate their presence then double around the Police, same stance used by Hoodies etc. how do I know I have been in a situation (an innocent bystander) where this and more happened, supposed to be a peaceful demonstration that a few turned into all out anarchy.

                    I am not saying that the Police are right but I will not say they are wrong until all is revealed and the full truth known.

                    I am against this media witchunt stuff before the full truth is known.
                    HAPPY 'Growing My Own'


                    • #11
                      who'd be a Policeman/woman eh!


                      • #12
                        Just been listening to the BBC
                        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daleclarke
                          ...If you are there to protest peacefully then why do you need to jibe the police or be in their faces they are there to do an unthankful task...
                          Dunno, why not ask marialittlebzz's friends? That's the point isn't it - most were there for peaceful protest! If the Police can't behave responsibly in a job they are well trained and well paid to do, then they should get another job!
                          To see a world in a grain of sand
                          And a heaven in a wild flower


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daleclarke View Post
                            I am not saying that the Police are right but I will not say they are wrong until all is revealed and the full truth known.

                            I am against this media witchunt stuff before the full truth is known.
                            That's my stance too, withold judgement until the full facts are known. Until then I think it's a terrible tradgedy that this man died under those circumstances, and, very sad that as usual a demonstration has been used as a vehicle for those people who want to cause trouble.


                            • #15
                              If the guy was causing trouble - the copper should have arrested him.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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