and yes I do mean the needle and thread kind in case anyone thinks my spelling is dodgy.
If my spelling is dodgy then it's because my eyes have gone all funny from spending 6 1/4 hours over the past 2 nights sewing a cover for my brassica bed. By Hand! Am using net curtains (cost so far �11) from the charity shops and some my mum gave me from the era that taste forgot (ie her lounge 20 years ago).
I am RUBBISH at sewing!
I am only doing it cos I LOVE the other sowing
If the darn thing doesn't work I am going to scream big style.
And the bad news is I haven't finished yet! It has to be 5.6 metres long and 2.90 wide.
The really annoying thing is that my nan used to be a seamstress but can't do it anymore cos her hand shakes, and my m-in-law makes curtains as a little p-t job but is too ill at the mo to do any, and couldn't lend me her sewing machine as a) I'd end up in casualty as I'd have stitched my arm to the material, and b) it's industrial and HUGE and I can't use a machine!
Feeling v pleased with myself though as OH said I would only do 10 mins on it before getting fed up and giving up, so proved him wrong quite nicely. And I managed to only get in 3 major tangles, and sew my trousers to the fabric once and only sewed one line with one bit of netting and not the other joined to it...... I am getting better! High Five!
If my spelling is dodgy then it's because my eyes have gone all funny from spending 6 1/4 hours over the past 2 nights sewing a cover for my brassica bed. By Hand! Am using net curtains (cost so far �11) from the charity shops and some my mum gave me from the era that taste forgot (ie her lounge 20 years ago).
I am RUBBISH at sewing!
I am only doing it cos I LOVE the other sowing

If the darn thing doesn't work I am going to scream big style.
And the bad news is I haven't finished yet! It has to be 5.6 metres long and 2.90 wide.
The really annoying thing is that my nan used to be a seamstress but can't do it anymore cos her hand shakes, and my m-in-law makes curtains as a little p-t job but is too ill at the mo to do any, and couldn't lend me her sewing machine as a) I'd end up in casualty as I'd have stitched my arm to the material, and b) it's industrial and HUGE and I can't use a machine!
Feeling v pleased with myself though as OH said I would only do 10 mins on it before getting fed up and giving up, so proved him wrong quite nicely. And I managed to only get in 3 major tangles, and sew my trousers to the fabric once and only sewed one line with one bit of netting and not the other joined to it...... I am getting better! High Five!
