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I am SO angry - and sad!


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  • I am SO angry - and sad!

    I am absolutely appauled by the newspaper report I've just read in the Swindon advertiser about a couple fined �5000 for letting their newfoundland dog fry in a car back in the summer. I felt sick! There was a picture of the dead dog, which apparently had been left WITH ANOTHER DOG in the car for 3 hours on one of the hottest days of the year in the garden centre car park. What's more, they have not been banned from having animals and their other dog was returned to them!
    I'm sorry, but that just isn't right! Some people don't deserve to have animals!

    Does anyone know what I can do to let it be known that I think this is a disgrace? Do I contact my MP or the RSPCA or what? I feel really strongly about this, and doubt I can do anything, but would like to do something, if you see what I mean.

    Sorry to go on about it, but I just can't get the image of these poor dogs out of my head, as they struggled to get air. And why the hell did nobody notice and do anything about it? Dogs are such faithful creatures that place their trust in their owners implicitly - what a waste of a beautiful creature.

  • #2
    Waffler I read that as well. Some people! B*******s! It beggars belief! I actually was so upset, I couldnt read it all - but I think they were allowed to take the surviving dog home with them! I can't even begin to say what I would do to them - Lesley would stop me straight away! DDL
    Bernie aka DDL

    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


    • #3
      The really scary thing is, you can ban people from keeping animals but not from having children. Perhaps there is a link between people like them and the amount of feral street kids around.


      • #4
        Waffler, write to both the RSPCA and your MP - that way it will get read, while they may not be able to do something about it, at least you have made your feelings known and if enough of us do it, then maybe !.... you never know!

        There was a case recently of a fairly young police dog that had come to the end of it career and they wanted to put the dog down, as they said it was not suitable to be re-homed with the existing handler (the dog as far as I can tell was living at home as a family dog when not on duty). World wide web/email went out and we have just heard that Samson is not going to be put down. They have found him another job somewhere - havn't caught up on the full story yet.

        If they can do that for a police dog, then why can't we do the same with regard to these people who obviously don't care about their dogs, being more intent on spending money in a garden centre than thinking of the welfare of their animals!

        Agree with you Piglet - if parents took time with their kids, we would have far less problems! Brought my kids up the same way as I bring up all my dogs, clip around the ear (verbal) when they are naughty and a pat on the head when they are good. Used to whistle for them when they were over theeereeee and I needed them back beside me. Never had any complaints about either!


        • #5
          I think it's disgusting - haven't these (obviously stupid) people heard the slogan the RSPCA were putting out for ages "Dogs die in hot cars?". Nope.... obviously not.

          It made me feel sick to read your post - I hadn't seen the paper. It's horrible like you say to think of an animal so loyal and faithful being treated in such a disgusting manner, by some disgusting human beings.

          I think the RSPCA may be a good bet - I don't know if anything can be done, but they would know the law inside out I'm sure, and would know if anything could be done to stop these people mis-treating their other dog in the same way.

          A very sad Slug...


          • #6
            Remember last summer, was baking hot, no air etc when we were at Tatton Show and they kept announcing (with increasinly stressed tones) over the tannoy that there was a dog shut in a car. Eventually the message was that if the owners didn't get back to their car they were going to break the window and rescue it - hope they did and reported them but sounds like it wouldn't have done much good.

            Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

            Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


            • #7
              I was in pet land car park a few years ago and there was a very red look baby in the car.....just left. So I sent the Mrs in to put out an announcemnet and security came out and said they had phoned the police.

              After about 5 mins of tapping and banging the window there was not much responce for the baby. So I put my Fire Extinguisher througth the window and took out a very HOT baby...Next thing this bloke appears very Very angry eating a Mc D. Started going off...and just then the plod arrived.

              He produces his Warrant card and was off duty CID. The uniformed WPC said and I quote "put that away or I will do you for attempting to pervert the course of Justice" Ho HO. She ripped him off so badly and ended with "If you want to take this any fruther I phone your wife now" not a peep more out of him. He even thanked me and appligised for being stupid......
              My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


              • #8
                I'm really sad to read that Waffler and understand why are so upset. These people are ignorant, unthinking, self centred and totally without the knowledge and temperament to care for an animal. The same types of people have children. I do think it's madness on the part of society that the law allowed them to keep the other dog.
                My own personal opinion is that the conditions of obtaining a dog licence should be very strict. People should have to show that they have the knowledge and resources to look after the dog properly.
                At least they were fined �5000.
                In my local paper today I read a report of a person who assaulted a traffic warden, fractured his skull, and got a community service order.

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #9
                  I don't understand the Justice of this country. Myself and OH haven't read the atricle about the dog, but my OH had quite a strong reaction to it and I don't think the couple would find it a pleasure meeting him (if they ever did, that is)

                  I was quite sad reading Mrs Dobby's post the other day too, where one of there dogs was a neighbours who had moved away and simply left the dog behind - why would anyone do that?

                  I can understand that some people just aren't interested in pets, but then they don't have them, but WHY own a pet and then abuse it? (physically or just simply through intentional or unintentional neglect)...

                  "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                  • #10
                    Don't even get me started! I think this country is upside down (and that's the polite way of putting it!) as far as law and order is concerned! DDL
                    Bernie aka DDL

                    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                    • #11
                      Im with you DDL.
                      If your lawabiding you get punished,if you brake the law you get rewarded,its no wonder politicians are treated with contempt, they seem quite happy as long as its not happening in their back yard. Skipper.

                      Chinese Proverb - He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not remains a fool forever


                      • #12
                        I agree DDL - you can commit a fairly minor offence, like, I don't know not paying council tax or whatever and get banged up for it, but actually hurt a living creature - animal or person - and get a slapped wrist for it. Where's the justice?! This country is crazy!
                        Might be slightly different with the baby in the car, but I bet if I found a car on a similarly hot day, with a dog shut inside I'd probably have charges placed against me for breaking the window - not that it would stop me if the dog was obviously in danger.


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