This line was pointed out to me just in the titles on the fron t page. It struck us that this implies that people who do not have an allotment are not serious about growing vegetables. Well, we have never had an allotment, having always been fortunate enough to have had large enough gardens not to need one. We are very serious about vegetable growing. Unlike many people (even those who have allotments), we cannot nip down to the Supermarket/market/greengrocers etc. to buy extra food. They are too far away and cost money!!! Generally speaking, if we don't grow it, we don't eat it. Is that serious enough?
We do buy those things which we cannot grow, like carrots (don't ask, very frustrating) or exotics like sweet potatoes, but as far as possible we live on what we grow.
This was merely a passing thought and not intended as an attack on what is a fascinating site and a very useful magazine.
We do buy those things which we cannot grow, like carrots (don't ask, very frustrating) or exotics like sweet potatoes, but as far as possible we live on what we grow.
