I'd just like to say how grateful I've been for the generosity of my allotment neighbours in my first year. It was my 80-year old neighbour who first spurred me into getting an allotment, his many generous gifts of fruit, vegetables and flowers from his allotment last summer made me determined to have a go. And now I am reclaiming my own allotment space, people on the site have given me: rhubarb crowns, another said I could have as many of their eating apples as I wanted, another gave me 4lb of cooking apples and a sack of pears, another 10 beetroot and a big bag of jerusalem artichokes. One neighbour cuts the grass for me and has even driven me to the garden centre to pick up heavy bags of compost etc. There has been much advice and lending of tools and of course I try and do my bit and give back what I have in exchange.
It's wonderful to become part of this community, how I wish I'd not waited so long before taking the plunge.
It's wonderful to become part of this community, how I wish I'd not waited so long before taking the plunge.