Isn't it damn annoying when you post a well-thought-out reply and then go and stupidly lose it? But I only have myself to blame, because Trousers has sensibly gone to bed!
Hazel, we're not sure where you've been darling, (nor The Moggsue's actually) but we hope that you won't continue to be a stranger, and arrange to come visit sometime.
And you've been brilliant help Sweetart. X.
The excitement today has been way too great for Trousers, because Wellie got shot of her Freelander today and got a noo Truck. Not a NOO one, obviously, so don't have yourselves a heart attack on my account!!
And I know it's going to sound like WAY too many new Toys, but Wellie took delivery of a Washing Machine as well today. But when you realise that she's not had a washing machine since January or February, and you lot HAVE, you might well feel a teeny weeny bit more friendly towards me girls, because I've not complained MUCH, and I've just got on with it as best I could. (Do YOU have to wash for a Painter & Decorator Children?) I Rest My Case!!
Trousers has been taking the yukkiest of his painting gear to the local laundrette.
Just how expensive is THAT!
Your lovely comments on this thread have been really gorgeous, and so very very welcome with all the stress of the last few months, so really. Thank you SO much.
As you can imagine, it's a crucial time of year to get a new Kitchen Garden 'up and running', and the weather has been WAY too breezy to even consider a dose of friendly Roundup for the Couch Grass and Bindweed to just Kick It Off as a Starter For Ten.
My lovely Biodynamic Friend Rachie phoned the other evening, with a date for digging up a Biodynamic Manure-Stuffed Cow Horn (with my name on - not literally, obviously!), so I'm dead excited about that for my new plot as well.
So much excitement in a short space of time.....
For those of you that are able to read the new Funny Farm blog now, Excellent! and hopefully we'll be able to update it for you over the weekend to give a new update this Sunday evening - but please be gentle with us. We are only Human.... X
Hazel, we're not sure where you've been darling, (nor The Moggsue's actually) but we hope that you won't continue to be a stranger, and arrange to come visit sometime.
And you've been brilliant help Sweetart. X.
The excitement today has been way too great for Trousers, because Wellie got shot of her Freelander today and got a noo Truck. Not a NOO one, obviously, so don't have yourselves a heart attack on my account!!
And I know it's going to sound like WAY too many new Toys, but Wellie took delivery of a Washing Machine as well today. But when you realise that she's not had a washing machine since January or February, and you lot HAVE, you might well feel a teeny weeny bit more friendly towards me girls, because I've not complained MUCH, and I've just got on with it as best I could. (Do YOU have to wash for a Painter & Decorator Children?) I Rest My Case!!
Trousers has been taking the yukkiest of his painting gear to the local laundrette.
Just how expensive is THAT!
Your lovely comments on this thread have been really gorgeous, and so very very welcome with all the stress of the last few months, so really. Thank you SO much.
As you can imagine, it's a crucial time of year to get a new Kitchen Garden 'up and running', and the weather has been WAY too breezy to even consider a dose of friendly Roundup for the Couch Grass and Bindweed to just Kick It Off as a Starter For Ten.
My lovely Biodynamic Friend Rachie phoned the other evening, with a date for digging up a Biodynamic Manure-Stuffed Cow Horn (with my name on - not literally, obviously!), so I'm dead excited about that for my new plot as well.
So much excitement in a short space of time.....
For those of you that are able to read the new Funny Farm blog now, Excellent! and hopefully we'll be able to update it for you over the weekend to give a new update this Sunday evening - but please be gentle with us. We are only Human.... X