Well, I've got 2 gardens now
As some of you might have read on other threads, I was contacted through the channel 4 Landshare scheme, and I went along this evening to have a look.
It's a mid Victorian terrace, with a path going down to the end of the garden. It isn't big, but the owner does not want any of it for his own use, except he's putting a new shed at the bottom. Once that is done, I will be able to use his older one for my stuff. There's easy access round to the back, using a right of way through someone else's garden, but he said she's fine, and I can bring along any helpers I can 'persuade'
He's got an outside water tap he's happy for me to use, and I can put a compost bin in. There's not anywhere for a water butt. He's not fussed whether I garden organically or not (I do try to), his main wish is to be rid of the weeds, and he said if he can have the odd courgette or spud, that will be fine.
Amazingly I was the only person out of 3 he'd contacted that responded. I know it's a couple of miles away for me, but the nearest allotments are 10!
It used to be lawn, but he dug that up with a view to renewing it, then work commitments got in the way. There's a good covering of cleavers, dandelions and thistles. The dandelions are covered with clocks, so I think the first job will be to carefully cut them off to avoid all the seeds drifting.
Tomorrow I hope to go round, measure up, and properly assess what needs doing and what the soil is like. It looks very manageable, and will mean I can grow a few more varieties this year than I thought. I'll post some before and after pics.

It's a mid Victorian terrace, with a path going down to the end of the garden. It isn't big, but the owner does not want any of it for his own use, except he's putting a new shed at the bottom. Once that is done, I will be able to use his older one for my stuff. There's easy access round to the back, using a right of way through someone else's garden, but he said she's fine, and I can bring along any helpers I can 'persuade'

He's got an outside water tap he's happy for me to use, and I can put a compost bin in. There's not anywhere for a water butt. He's not fussed whether I garden organically or not (I do try to), his main wish is to be rid of the weeds, and he said if he can have the odd courgette or spud, that will be fine.
Amazingly I was the only person out of 3 he'd contacted that responded. I know it's a couple of miles away for me, but the nearest allotments are 10!
It used to be lawn, but he dug that up with a view to renewing it, then work commitments got in the way. There's a good covering of cleavers, dandelions and thistles. The dandelions are covered with clocks, so I think the first job will be to carefully cut them off to avoid all the seeds drifting.
Tomorrow I hope to go round, measure up, and properly assess what needs doing and what the soil is like. It looks very manageable, and will mean I can grow a few more varieties this year than I thought. I'll post some before and after pics.