There I was in my little greenhouse potting on and pottering, when I heard the fluttering of wings. I looked up and saw a chaffinch desperately trying to escape. I opened the window and moved slightly out of its way to give it a fighting chance of getting out, when in charges the boy at top speed, very interested indeed.
After a short but quite intense chase around the greenhouse by both myself and my trusty hound, I caught the little fellow, gave him a little stroke and had a good look at his colouring, and sent him on his merry way.
I then looked round to see total devastation on the floor. I had 22 toms in pots, 5 different varieties, all labelled, but only with a label in the first of each one in the line. Gutted. I was so good as well, had labelled everything and they were all in order. Label in each pot next year then.
After a short but quite intense chase around the greenhouse by both myself and my trusty hound, I caught the little fellow, gave him a little stroke and had a good look at his colouring, and sent him on his merry way.
I then looked round to see total devastation on the floor. I had 22 toms in pots, 5 different varieties, all labelled, but only with a label in the first of each one in the line. Gutted. I was so good as well, had labelled everything and they were all in order. Label in each pot next year then.