Hey guys
Have not been on in must be at least 2 weeks and just dont know where the time has gone to be honest. I have been busy trying to clear the spare room so the babies have somewhere to sleep once they arrive. It frightening to think that they could be here is just over 3 months time but at the most 4 - 4 1/2 months time! eeeeeeeeek!!!!
We had a garage sale at the weekend, part of a whole village sale, which was quite successful raising us �150 for the twin fund and clearing some garage space and craft stuff to boot. Three car loads of tutt went to the dump the day after and several bags to charity shops, courtesy of my parents, who came up, like Mr D's parents, to help for the weekend. Its funny how I have rebelled a little this week - letting the housework slide as its such a relief not to HAVE to have the house tidy for visitors LOL!!!
I have been far too busy of course - you know me and its given me some worrying hours as I await a sign from inside my now huge belly that they are literally alive and kicking. I am sure I will laugh at this in a few months time when they are kicking the hell out of me and I will be doing all I can to lull them to sleep so I get a bit of peace! LOL!! I havent had time to get on-line and worry that this is going to be a regular occurance and so have asked the mods for some help with the pass the parcel seed swap as I feel I am letting people down through my lack of attention to it. I am sure Zazen will advise once something is in place.
Planting is so very very behind. I can tell this as during a spate of potting on yesterday, I was really struggling to find plant pots and even more so, trays to use as carrying recepticles from greenhouse to coldframe in a week or so's time. I was hoping to get some freed up this weekend as we plant stuff out but Mr D has been offered some overtime, which we cannot afford to turn down and its a family party on Sunday so bang goes that idea. You never know I may end up having to ask if any local grapes can come to our resue with a "planting party" if we dont get some plants in soon!!! Mind you I am sure you are all busy with your own plantings out if I know you guys - may have to employ some kids from the school instead!!!!!!!
I am having to pull out of the Wellingborough carnival (my craft group is meant to host the craft marquee beginning of July) partly due to lack of bookings but also because the lady in charge of the event at the council has suddenly advised that she needs me to do a risk assesment (A WHAT?!!!), as well as provide a copy of our public liabilty insurance (dont have this as never needed it) AND advising she hasnt booked me a marquee like she agreed she would!!!!!!!! Well since we needed neither last year its a bit late to be asking for it now eh! I have decided I have enough on my plate without the extra workload that organising all that would involve with only 8 weeks or so to go. I am also very thin on bookings - mind you doesnt help that the council web site doesnt even mention the craft marquee!
Thats all for now.
Lots of love, and growing wishes
Tammy, Pea and Pod
Have not been on in must be at least 2 weeks and just dont know where the time has gone to be honest. I have been busy trying to clear the spare room so the babies have somewhere to sleep once they arrive. It frightening to think that they could be here is just over 3 months time but at the most 4 - 4 1/2 months time! eeeeeeeeek!!!!

We had a garage sale at the weekend, part of a whole village sale, which was quite successful raising us �150 for the twin fund and clearing some garage space and craft stuff to boot. Three car loads of tutt went to the dump the day after and several bags to charity shops, courtesy of my parents, who came up, like Mr D's parents, to help for the weekend. Its funny how I have rebelled a little this week - letting the housework slide as its such a relief not to HAVE to have the house tidy for visitors LOL!!!
I have been far too busy of course - you know me and its given me some worrying hours as I await a sign from inside my now huge belly that they are literally alive and kicking. I am sure I will laugh at this in a few months time when they are kicking the hell out of me and I will be doing all I can to lull them to sleep so I get a bit of peace! LOL!! I havent had time to get on-line and worry that this is going to be a regular occurance and so have asked the mods for some help with the pass the parcel seed swap as I feel I am letting people down through my lack of attention to it. I am sure Zazen will advise once something is in place.
Planting is so very very behind. I can tell this as during a spate of potting on yesterday, I was really struggling to find plant pots and even more so, trays to use as carrying recepticles from greenhouse to coldframe in a week or so's time. I was hoping to get some freed up this weekend as we plant stuff out but Mr D has been offered some overtime, which we cannot afford to turn down and its a family party on Sunday so bang goes that idea. You never know I may end up having to ask if any local grapes can come to our resue with a "planting party" if we dont get some plants in soon!!! Mind you I am sure you are all busy with your own plantings out if I know you guys - may have to employ some kids from the school instead!!!!!!!
I am having to pull out of the Wellingborough carnival (my craft group is meant to host the craft marquee beginning of July) partly due to lack of bookings but also because the lady in charge of the event at the council has suddenly advised that she needs me to do a risk assesment (A WHAT?!!!), as well as provide a copy of our public liabilty insurance (dont have this as never needed it) AND advising she hasnt booked me a marquee like she agreed she would!!!!!!!! Well since we needed neither last year its a bit late to be asking for it now eh! I have decided I have enough on my plate without the extra workload that organising all that would involve with only 8 weeks or so to go. I am also very thin on bookings - mind you doesnt help that the council web site doesnt even mention the craft marquee!
Thats all for now.
Lots of love, and growing wishes
Tammy, Pea and Pod