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school trip


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  • school trip

    My little boy who is only 4 has gone on his first school trip today to the zoo.
    He was SO excited. I was a wreck obviously.

    I am hoping his sun cream doesn't wear off, he doesn't lose his hat (mac, lunch etc), he eats all his lunch, he puts his seatbelt on on the coach, he drinks plenty of water, he tells the teacher if he needs a wee, he doesn't wander off to look at something more interesting...

    Oh and I hope he has a lovely time too!

  • #2
    He'll be fine - will have the time of his life, will come back exhausted and won't be able to draw breath from telling you all the good things that happened.....


    • #3
      Oh your post made me chuckle Janeyo!
      I was so worried about my daughters first trip (also to the zoo) that I went along, despite the fact that I HATE coach journeys and get travel sick!
      The day at the zoo was great, the children loved it. I was totally exhusted!!

      I'm sure he'll have a lovely time!
      Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


      • #4
        I'm sure he'll be Lainey I went on their first trips....and several more,but there have been a few where I've waved them off on the coach...stomach in knots!
        He'll have a whale of a time,I bet!...and don't worry...seatbelts will be checked,they'll probably be taken to the loo countless times,regardless of whether they need it,regardless of whether he wears a hat for you,he'll no doubt be a little angel & keep it on for the teachers!
        Before you know it,he'll be home bursting with all his news!xx
        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


        • #5
          My DD's first trip was to a farm, and I had to go and pick her up because she had the squits and was sick. When I got there she was happy as anything and had obviously just overdone things. Teachers are very protective, especially when they are out and about, they are a lot more nervous in this situation than you would ever be.
          I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


          • #6
            He's Back!

            Safe and Sound
            And knackered

            Teacher said he was a very good boy all day, (as if he would be anything else lol). She said they couldn't manage to find a monkey for daddy (OH asked him to bring him home a monkey) so heaven knows how that conversation went with the teacher!

            He has touched a snake and a 'dragon thing'.

            Very pleased he is home and had a brilliant day
            Last edited by janeyo; 18-05-2009, 03:37 PM. Reason: typo


            • #7
              ....and do you have any nails left!?
              Sounds like he had a great day!Think it makes them feel all grown up & important as well when they go on their 1st trip without ummy!
              Which zoo did he go to?
              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


              • #8
                Linton Zoo (our nearest one). Te even sat on the TOP deck of the coach - think he was more pleased with that than seeing the animals lol


                • #9
                  Wait till they take their first trip abroad without you. As well as a weekend camping or a week away without you in this country is bad enough. My daughter went to Belgium last year aged 12, her first time ever abroad with or without us. I couldnt wait for her to get home. This year her feet are firmly at home.
                  Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                  and ends with backache


                  • #10
                    At least you provided him with lunch and stuff. I've had children on trips with no food, no drink, no coat ....!

                    Top tip: write your mobile number on the child's arm, just in case they go AWoL.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      They all had a school logo sticker with 'please return to Mrs ... ' on in case they got lost!
                      And they all had to be in uniform which I guess helps too.

                      I remember my mum waving me off on a school trip to France with my coat still in her hand.. good job it was warm!


                      • #12
                        Your post made me smile. As a teacher, it's sort of a standing joke about the toilet visits. Often a trip will be followed up with a writing exercise (even at that young age) where the children write a recount of their day. Very little of the actual reason you visited (animals at the zoo, 'interesting' historical artefacts at a museum etc) feature. As a teacher planning the event there is also v. little time to do the good stuff. A typical recount goes a little like this:
                        Furst wii got on the cowch. then we went a long roab then we sor sum couz then we got of the cowch. arfta wii went to the toylit then haad ar snake. wii sor sum ammamuls and it was good and it was good. then we had ar lunch and I had ham samwiges and crips and a biskit. then we went to the toylit then we went back on the cowch and we went hom


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Waffler View Post
                          Furst wii got on the cowch. then we went a long roab then we sor sum couz then we got of the cowch. arfta wii went to the toylit then haad ar snake. wii sor sum ammamuls and it was good and it was good. then we had ar lunch and I had ham samwiges and crips and a biskit. then we went to the toylit then we went back on the cowch and we went hom
                          Lol! thats lovely!!
                          Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Waffler View Post
                            Your post made me smile. As a teacher, it's sort of a standing joke about the toilet visits. Often a trip will be followed up with a writing exercise (even at that young age) where the children write a recount of their day. Very little of the actual reason you visited (animals at the zoo, 'interesting' historical artefacts at a museum etc) feature. As a teacher planning the event there is also v. little time to do the good stuff. A typical recount goes a little like this:
                            Furst wii got on the cowch. then we went a long roab then we sor sum couz then we got of the cowch. arfta wii went to the toylit then haad ar snake. wii sor sum ammamuls and it was good and it was good. then we had ar lunch and I had ham samwiges and crips and a biskit. then we went to the toylit then we went back on the cowch and we went hom
                            Brilliant as a mum who has helped on many a school trip that just about sums it up lol
                            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                            and ends with backache


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Waffler View Post
                              Your post made me smile. As a teacher, it's sort of a standing joke about the toilet visits. Often a trip will be followed up with a writing exercise (even at that young age) where the children write a recount of their day. Very little of the actual reason you visited (animals at the zoo, 'interesting' historical artefacts at a museum etc) feature. As a teacher planning the event there is also v. little time to do the good stuff. A typical recount goes a little like this:
                              Furst wii got on the cowch. then we went a long roab then we sor sum couz then we got of the cowch. arfta wii went to the toylit then haad ar snake. wii sor sum ammamuls and it was good and it was good. then we had ar lunch and I had ham samwiges and crips and a biskit. then we went to the toylit then we went back on the cowch and we went hom
                              PMSL brilliant!

                              I have been on several trips with secondary kids when I was teaching fulltime, one boy was 14 and had never been on a train. We got on one then discovered it was the wrong one and had to get off - he was so disappointed lol.


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