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Plants that dogs like to wee on above all others!


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  • Plants that dogs like to wee on above all others!

    The reasone I am asking is that every other morning and evening I have to chase the dog around the garden and try and collect some wee in a container, the problem is that my dog is quite low slung and he usually manages to wizz on my hand rather than in the bowl . Also he looks at me as if I am some kind of pervert and takes me on an obstacle course, not to bad in this weather but in the winter with a bowl in one hand and a torch in the other it gets quite farcical and apparently side splittingly funny for others to watch (going by the amount of faces in my neighbours window).
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  • #2
    I would suggest giving a friend or neighbour a pot for their dog to wee up, then put said pot in your garden and take your dog to the garden, he'll find the pot! Usually guarenteed that he will wee there.

    I have never noticed that any particular plant was most attractive, other grapes may have noticed some good plants. Usually another dog scent makes them assert themselves, or something new in the garden (which may not help if you need to collect regularly).

    The only other thing I can suggest is to take him out to the garden on a lead only, so when he goes you could slip the container under without him noticing.

    Good luck!


    • #3
      Ooops, sorry just re-read that you need to do this very regularly.

      It might be a good idea to train your dog to wee against an area with a tray underneath, clicker training would be best (like pavlov's dog, they get a reward for correct behaviour 'marked' by a clicker and treat). There are lots of books explaining this training, but I would say a couple of sessions with a local dog trainer (who uses the technique) would get things going your way really quickly, so you can learn the correct timing (which is the most important part).

      I used a clicker to train my dog as he was a bit challenging with grooming (amongst other things) They 'get' it really quickly and you don't need to use the clicker for long, just until a good action (i.e. the one you want) is imprinted, and continue with giving treats, which could be food, toy or praise. Also, it becomes a pleasure for them to do the 'action', which will be a relief to both you and the dog!


      • #4
        Originally posted by dillydallydaisy View Post
        Ooops, sorry just re-read that you need to do this very regularly.

        It might be a good idea to train your dog to wee against an area with a tray underneath, clicker training would be best (like pavlov's dog, they get a reward for correct behaviour 'marked' by a clicker and treat). There are lots of books explaining this training, but I would say a couple of sessions with a local dog trainer (who uses the technique) would get things going your way really quickly, so you can learn the correct timing (which is the most important part).

        I used a clicker to train my dog as he was a bit challenging with grooming (amongst other things) They 'get' it really quickly and you don't need to use the clicker for long, just until a good action (i.e. the one you want) is imprinted, and continue with giving treats, which could be food, toy or praise. Also, it becomes a pleasure for them to do the 'action', which will be a relief to both you and the dog!
        Great reply many thanks and some interesting ideas, may have led you astray with the picture as he is now 5 years old, would clicker training still work and the other thing is that if I put him on the lead he would think I am taking him for a walk which is what I do after the wee collection and the glucose testing and also he is not allowed any treats at all.
        Thanks again

        PS I almost had him trained weeing against a lupin but OH caught me , I didnt know it was her favourite
        Last edited by TEB; 19-05-2009, 09:06 PM.


        • #5
          even old dogs learn new tricks .... every time he goes to wee by himself, on walks in garden etc .... as he lifts his leg tell him to go for a wee (or whatever command you prefer) ... then make a big fuss of him bit, it doesn't take them long to associate the act with the words, and you can then get him weeing on command.

          you can also do the same with poo's train your dog in the same way to do it on command, then they will go when you want them to ..... very useful as no chance of the dog doing it when you haven't got a bag handy


          • #6
            You can get ring shaped cake tins that would fit nicely around a stake eg Bundt Ring Silicone Silicon Mould Cake Tin Jelly Form on eBay, also Cake Tins, Cookware, Kitchen, Home Garden (end time 25-May-09 18:34:54 BST)

            and doggy fake lamp post:
            PEE POST STAKE/ TOILET/PUPPY/DOG/LOO TRAINER INC UK P&P on eBay, also Grooming Health Care, Dogs, Pet Supplies, Home Garden (end time 04-Jun-09 18:53:56 BST)

            I don't know how well they work though.



            • #7
              Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
              even old dogs learn new tricks .... every time he goes to wee by himself, on walks in garden etc .... as he lifts his leg tell him to go for a wee (or whatever command you prefer) ... then make a big fuss of him bit, it doesn't take them long to associate the act with the words, and you can then get him weeing on command.

              you can also do the same with poo's train your dog in the same way to do it on command, then they will go when you want them to ..... very useful as no chance of the dog doing it when you haven't got a bag handy
              Thanks Lynda , dont have a problem with the poo as I have an exchange program with my neighbour who has 4 cats


              • #8
                Thanks Tam, the pee post looks like it could be just the thing


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TEB View Post
                  The reasone I am asking is that every other morning and evening I have to chase the dog around the garden and try and collect some wee in a container,
                  If it isn't rude to ask - why?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by basketcase View Post
                    If it isn't rude to ask - why?
                    Last November he was diagnosed with Diabetes and testing of the urine is a rough way to test his glucose levels and allows me to adjust his injection that he has to have every 12 hour's.


                    • #11
                      TEB hope you find a solution to your problem. Ramsey, one of my cats is diabetic, but fortunately, he uses a litter tray - very useful for collecting specimens. The vet, for the first few weeks he was diagnosed (Ramsey, nto the vet!) took blood tests to check his blood sugar levels. Your dog looks lovely!
                      PS Dexter says woof woof!
                      Bernie aka DDL

                      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                      • #12
                        Thanks Bernie and Dexter,
                        Zed goes in to the vets every 4 or so weeks for a glucose curve and I am hoping to get my own blood test kit but its costly, but fingers crossed we are getting on top of it and we are keeping the cataracts at bay (vet said last November he would be blind in three months)
                        Thanks again


                        • #13
                          Dexter has just jumped up and squashed me to the edge of my chair to read your posts. I know what you are going through, and have been through, when we couldnt find out what was wrong with Ramsey (even after a couple of blood tests) I really thought the worst. Was relieved (!) that he was diabetic, after a couple of days of injections, he was OK to go on a special diet. I SO hate needles, but wouldve had to learn how to do injections if that was what he needed.
                          Awful news from your vets in November, I do feel for you both. I wish I could be of more help. Please PM me and let me know how Zeb gets on.
                          Love Bernie
                          and Dexter (very comfy on the chair!)
                          Bernie aka DDL

                          Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                          • #14
                            Dogs can learn at any age and a good trainer can train a dog without the need for food treats.

                            You might like to contact a dog trainer in your local area, try Association of Pet Dog Trainers: Welcome to APDT - Association of Pet Dog Trainers UK or your vet may know a good one in the area.

                            They will be able to advise on the best method, and trainers recognised by the APDT are able to use clicker training methods (but may have their own way - every trainer's different!). The trainer can come out to your house, it's not cheap (up to £50) but it should provide a quick and stress-free solution for you and Zed (and your wife's lupins!). Even if you decide not to use a trainer it is worth having a chat with one to see what can be done.

                            The post and tin suggestion above is a good one, I think you need to have a permenant place for him to go, as plants will come and go. Sorry to hear about his sight, but please be reasurred that dogs adapt very well to losing their sight, and continue life as usual. I have worked with a few blind dogs over the years (dog rescue) and their spatial awareness is amazing, running around and playing as usual, most people wouldn't know they can't see!

                            Good luck, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


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