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Autumn at last


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  • Autumn at last

    I work in a granite quarry and last night we had our first frost which went down to -6 degrees. It was a bit chilly working outside over night but at least the cold will make our plants start to come back into line with the seasons and kill a few pests off.

  • #2
    Tell me about it - we've had wasps swarming round the base of the house thatch for the last few weeks, but decided to leave them to be killed off by the frost, which of course never came - at least not in earnest until last night. Went out this morning and there was one tenacious little devil still up there, but i I think we may be winning!


    • #3
      No wasps here just a blanket of white this morning. Fleeced the tree ferns last night thank goodness just in time! And all the local spiders have retreated into ......yup you guessed it our house!


      • #4
        I SOO prefer cold and dry to the wet, everything seems clean and crisp, i may not be saying this is it goes down to minus 15 tho!!!lol,


        • #5
          Frost was forecast for last night, but even though it was pretty nippy, not sure if it froze or not. Got more for the rest of the week if the weatherman is to be believed.
          Kirsty b xx


          • #6
            I noticed there were still quite a lot of bees and ladybirds around yesterday. Showing no interest in the winter hidey houses I've done for them

            It's not got that cold here in London yet and most of the trees are still green. When are we going to get Autumn? Or will it just go straight into winter


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