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Allotment Secretaries job?


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  • Allotment Secretaries job?

    Whats the upside and downside of an allotment Secetaries job?

    Thankless task?...Hiding to nowt?....Well worth the effort or not?
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper

  • #2
    Originally posted by Snadger View Post
    Whats the upside and downside of an allotment Secetaries job?

    Thankless task?...Hiding to nowt?....Well worth the effort or not?
    I am only on my second year at my allotment and have attended two AGM's.

    I get the feeling at our site there is a reticence to be a committee member. Just some little clues such as voting the same person in two years running as Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Despite the fact he gave up his plot this year.

    The rest of the committee proposed and seconded him but none of them were keen to take any duties off him. I have stayed in the background been a newbie. However I do have experience of been a secretary for a football team I played for.

    You generally got no help beyond the other committee members. Everybody else thought you were there to provide a service, despite being just another team member.

    Think this through Snadger, once your in it may be very difficult to get out again!


    • #3
      All such posts involve a fair amount of work Snadger and not much thanks. Unless you have a fair amount of free time on your hands I'd think twice about it.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Spuds up View Post
        I am only on my second year at my allotment and have attended two AGM's.

        I get the feeling at our site there is a reticence to be a committee member. Just some little clues such as voting the same person in two years running as Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Despite the fact he gave up his plot this year.

        The rest of the committee proposed and seconded him but none of them were keen to take any duties off him. I have stayed in the background been a newbie. However I do have experience of been a secretary for a football team I played for.

        You generally got no help beyond the other committee members. Everybody else thought you were there to provide a service, despite being just another team member.

        Think this through Snadger, once your in it may be very difficult to get out again!
        Yeah, I too have been Secretary and Treasurer for various clubs and I need convincing to put my neck in the noose again! Or iis that certifying!
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • #5
          Strange that - I've just answered an e-mail from some one on this very subject!!

          We I have to disagree with you all. I took the job of secretary this year & have't found it too bad so far. Admittedly we are only a small site (64 plots) and we only have a small committee (6 of us) but it seems to be working OK at the moment as we all have a specific job to do. We only meet every 6-8 weeks for a proper meeeting, if anything important comes up we can get together & sort it as we are all local. We dn't have regular meetings like a club as folks said they didn't want it so that make it easier I guess.

          So I wuld have a word with the existing secretary & see why they are jacking it in or maybe go on the committee as their assistant to shadow them for a bit first.

          Hope this helps
          Never be afraid to try something new.
          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


          • #6
            Snadger I cannot see our dining table for paper work. I get phone calls during the day and the evening. If someones shed gets broken into I spend half an hour on the phone to the police. I send out letters of non cultivation and notices to quit and then wait for the phone to start ringing. When I go to the sites I can't get much work done because people want to talk to me. When there is trouble (and I am up to my eyes with big trouble at the moment) I have to sort it out. No matter what happens Lesley has to sort it out.

            But I bloody love it Snadger!!


            • #7
              No but Lesley you really do love it don't you
              Last edited by Lesley Jay; 05-11-2006, 12:14 AM.


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