i was outside in the garden with my 6 year old, when i notice she is getting very excited, so i go and have a look and YES one .....just one of the strawberrys is going red, of course she has put her name on it, as its the biggest too. so im happy with that, my youngest hasnt seen it yet but i can see there being a few arguments over this one little strawberry.
also i have seen a flower on one of the tomato plants, AND LOADS OF GREEN FLY. i thought the pestiside was suppose to keep them away, well i have run out of that so i have filled the bottle up with sainsburys washing up liquid and water, i will keep spraying them with that for now see what happens.
im trying to grow spinach and leaf salad but they havent started to come out of the soil yet. this is my first time i have done any of this and i have found out its really fun.
we have lots of flowers growing too, my two girls are waiting to see how big the sunflowers will get. today though it is raining but as i said to them they all need rain water.
im rambling now so im going to go, just thought i would say im very happy and if nothing happens i wont give up i will be trying again next year for certain.
i was outside in the garden with my 6 year old, when i notice she is getting very excited, so i go and have a look and YES one .....just one of the strawberrys is going red, of course she has put her name on it, as its the biggest too. so im happy with that, my youngest hasnt seen it yet but i can see there being a few arguments over this one little strawberry.
also i have seen a flower on one of the tomato plants, AND LOADS OF GREEN FLY. i thought the pestiside was suppose to keep them away, well i have run out of that so i have filled the bottle up with sainsburys washing up liquid and water, i will keep spraying them with that for now see what happens.
im trying to grow spinach and leaf salad but they havent started to come out of the soil yet. this is my first time i have done any of this and i have found out its really fun.
we have lots of flowers growing too, my two girls are waiting to see how big the sunflowers will get. today though it is raining but as i said to them they all need rain water.
im rambling now so im going to go, just thought i would say im very happy and if nothing happens i wont give up i will be trying again next year for certain.
