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Little Suzi has been pts


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  • Little Suzi has been pts

    On the 30th December I went to drop off gym towels at the local CPL fosterer, like I have done for years and she told me she was planning to ring me to ask if I'd consider a second cat. I was then pointed to Suzi, so had come in 4 weeks earlier, when her elderly owner moved into a home and decided not to take her. This was the picture I took at the time.

    Suzi had been diagnosed with advanced liver failure and was 14yrs old, so pretty much unhomeable in the standard way, plus she needed daily medication. Upshot is that 24 hrs later, I collected her! I was told that she was not expected to live for long - a month or two at most. Her weight was very low and dropping all the time.

    Within two days, she was like this:

    and doing this:

    and she astonished the vet and myself, by staying perky, despite more weight loss. Three weeks ago, this was her enjoying the sun, something none of us thought we'd see:

    However, over the last week and half, ascites (fluid build up) has been to the extent that she struggled with steps and so just going to her litter was a struggle. I took her in yesterday evening and had already prepared myself to 'let her go', which the vet confirmed was the best thing, as anything to relieve the ascites was not really an option for a cat her age and in her skeletal state. So, it's RIP Suzi, who died with a tummy full of fish, fed to her just before we went to the vet's. Nicknamed p1ssypants for her delightful manner of dangling her bottom outside the litter, peeing on the puppy training pads outside, she amazed the vet month by month as I took her in for Vitamin B injections and repeat prescriptions. He confessed last night he expected her to last a couple of weeks after her diagnosis in December, as she was in 'late stage' failure, then.

    She's buried on my OH's smallholding, high on a bank, overlooking all the animal action. I wanted somewhere special for her - she left one heck of a mark on my life.

  • #2
    and thanks to you, the last five months of her life were as blissful as you could make them. big hugs


    • #3
      That's so sweet. She was one lucky cat to find you.


      • #4
        Well done SL you gave her a lovely last few months
        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


        • #5
          Sounds like the last 5 months of her life where wonderful with you - she looks so content. Sending you *hugs*. BTW love the photo of her with her head down the loo I had a cat who would not drink from her bowl but always from the loo

          RIP little Suzie


          • #6
            She's the image of our eldest cat, Sam, who we adopted two years ago when he was already 18.

            He's still hale and hearty, grumpy old git (we get on well) as are the other two elderly ladies we have since adopted (now 18 and 16).

            What is it with cats and water? I put down bottled water for mine and they drink from the bottoms of plants saucers, dirty old pots whereever, but generally disgusting looking water.

            Lovely story tho SL and I'm sure Suzi appreciated every minute with you and went off to the great mousery in the sky a happy and contented and obviously much loved moggie.
            TonyF, Dordogne 24220


            • #7
              I was thinking 'Poor wee thing' but then I had second thoughts...she's had nearly 6 months with you. Six months of love that Suzie wouldn't have had otherwise.

              I wonder if the original owner knows? If I were that old lady I'd be wondering what had happened to a beloved cat I'd had for 14 years.

              Slugs...big hugs to you & yours because you are very special people!



              Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

              ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

              Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


              • #8
                Thanks, all. The loo drinking was a regular thing until I realised just over a week ago that she couldn't jump up onto the bed. I made sure the lid was down, from that point, but I don't think she's drunk from it for at least a couple of weeks. I did catch her at the weekend slurping some slime iin the garden with great gusto, though.

                Jules, I doubt the original owner knows. Suzi was just dropped off - it was the fosterer who spotted the jaundice and got the diagnosis. Sad thing is, she could have taken her into the home, but it was certainly my gain that she didn't. She was SUCH a character. She was put to sleep still with a bit of dried yoghurt on her ear, from where she'd delved into my 500ml yeo valley pot, the night before (I cleaned it off, quick, for dignity purposes). Lover of curries, cheese, pizza, cheddars, doritos...the good thing about being terminally ill is that you get to eat all the naughty stuff, cause it doesn't matter anymore!

                Disclaimer: the above food list is between Jan and now - I don't eat like that on a daily basis!


                • #9

                  Originally posted by SlugLobber View Post
                  Jules, I doubt the original owner knows. Suzi was just dropped off - it was the fosterer who spotted the jaundice and got the diagnosis. Sad thing is, she could have taken her into the home, but it was certainly my gain that she didn't. She was SUCH a character. She was put to sleep still with a bit of dried yoghurt on her ear, from where she'd delved into my 500ml yeo valley pot, the night before (I cleaned it off, quick, for dignity purposes). Lover of curries, cheese, pizza, cheddars, doritos...the good thing about being terminally ill is that you get to eat all the naughty stuff, cause it doesn't matter anymore!

                  Disclaimer: the above food list is between Jan and now - I don't eat like that on a daily basis!

                  Our eldest, R.D. loves a good curry. That's such a fab list! Suzie was one lucky cat.

                  Brilliant that she landed with you, but I do feel for the old lady. Maybe it's just me...we lost a cat about 14 years ago. Hoby just disappeared, we searched for months, advertised endlessly and, when we eventually moved over two years later, someone in our new village had a big black cat who looked like Hoby and the DD (then 7) accosted them one day and accused them of pinching Hobes! Luckily they were very understanding when we explained!

                  We missed him for years, and I still do wonder what became of him. A friend suggested that he might have been stolen as he was a blue black colour and had a siamese look to him, making him resemble a Bombay Black (?)

                  Will you have anothe CPL rescue cat soon?


                  Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                  ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                  Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                  • #10
                    Sounds like you all benefited from your act of kindness.And to put her to sleep was the last act of kindness you did for her.
                    5 months of fun from what I gather- for all of you- your life has been richer for knowing her.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      Yup, wot Nicos said, sounded like you all benefited from each other.
                      I'm sure letting her go was difficult but clearly the best decision, and what a wonderful 5 months you shared together.

                      Not at all a cat person, but understand the marks pets leave in your life.
                      Bob Leponge
                      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                      • #12
                        I will get another CPL oldie, but for now, Rosco needs to be an only cat. His dislocated knee has a fair bit of healing to do, yet, so not the best time to introduce a new cat. He's also CPL - a bargain at £15! Don't think he thought that last night, when I was bugging him because I couldn't sleep with my illness!

                        Am off home to bed, now. Was far too ill to come to work (swine flu) but had stupidly started a protein prep yesterday, so had to finish it! I'm sure a Rosco cuddle will help.

                        Bob, yes, we definitely benefited each other and she also taught Rosco that not all cats are out to get him - he had a lot of fear-based issues due to fights with other cats.


                        • #13
                          Glad you were able to give Suzi a happy ending, she couldn't have found a nicer home & probably lived longer due to your care. Bet Rosco is secretly missing her too even though he wasn't sure about her at first! Love to you all.
                          Into every life a little rain must fall.


                          • #14
                            Suzi was in heaven for the months she was with you. Love the photo of her in the garden - just chilling and enjoying the sun, looking thoroughly spoiled. My old cat Mishka used to drink from the loo as well.
                            Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 28-05-2009, 03:52 PM.


                            • #15
                              {{hugs}} SL. I doubt Suzi could have wished for a better last few months.
                              I was feeling part of the scenery
                              I walked right out of the machinery
                              My heart going boom boom boom
                              "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                              I've come to take you home."


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