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neighbour sabotaging my crops!!


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  • neighbour sabotaging my crops!!

    our loony neighbour who we've had to call the police out to twice in the last couple of months for threatening us with violence has decided on a more subtle approach

    she's been throwing monkey nuts over the fence for the squirrels, but she's been throwing them so that they land in and around my plants so that the squirrels will dig into them too

    came home today and the gardens in chaos.. onions have been pulled up, they've been in my swedes, cabbages, carrots and have even had a good dig round in my potatoes!!!

    we know she's done it on purpose because there are no monkey nuts shells anywhere else apart from in the crops

    i've had to put a net curtain over the brassicas for tonight.. where can i get some good strong netting from?

    and does anyone know a good hitman??

  • #2
    Oh dear !!
    Could you rig up a cage? maybe a wooden frame with netting - we have these like lids on our raised beds. And maybe a camera or fake camera so that she knows you know !

    I have raked the soil and planted the seeds
    Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.


    • #3
      Poor you, why do some people have to be so unpleasant? I recently bought debris netting from 'scaffolds r us' on ebay, reasonable price and delivered next day. Hope you get it sorted and she finds someone else to bug and leaves you alone soon.


      • #4
        yeah i think i might have to rig up a camera, i'm really really annoyed.. have i got time to plant more onions or is that it for this year?


        • #5
          I'd rig up some frames using the blue pipe [wickes sell it] and some netting [ebay - scaffolder's netting?]....

          What a nutter.


          • #6
            Can you replant the onions? They will regrow will just be set back a few weeks.


            • #7
              some people are just plain or mean.... hope you get it sorted out soon. we made a "cage" from bamboo canes & pea netting as a cheao fix when we 1st planted our seeds.


              • #8
                the blue pipe stuff sounds good, is it bendy like hosepipe or something?

                she's definitely a few clowns short of a circus, a few weeks ago she threatened to beat up my 68 year old mother in law just because she was doing a bit of weeding for us


                • #9
                  onions have been dragged away to god knows where.. they were only small so it's possible the squirrels have buried them in the garden, i'll probably find them popping up all over the place


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BumbleB View Post
                    Could you rig up a cage?
                    I'd be tempted to put the neighbour in it not the brassicas.

                    What a nutter - hope things work out and she stops bothering you soon.

                    PS I got my blue pipe last week from a builders merchants - only 51p per metre
                    Last edited by amandaandherveg; 28-05-2009, 11:34 PM.


                    • #11
                      The not-too-bendy blue plastic pipe is alkathene water pipe, lasts for years, it really is the bees knees.
                      I've had birds pulling up my shallots and stuck them back in with good results in the past, I'd expect onions to be the same as long as the roots are not totally dried out. It's the sort of thing that happens to bulbed plants in the wild, so they have some chance at least.
                      As for the dodgy neighbour, document everything. Take photos, keep a written record, note witnesses, and make sure you keep the police informed. That's what gets an ASBO.
                      There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                      Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                      • #12
                        �500 and i'll sort the job out........ lol


                        • #13
                          I haven't a clue what to do, but you have my sympathies. There can't be many things worse that someone making your home (the one place you should feel relaxed) feel stressed and miserable. Hope you sort things out soon (or find a hit-man )
                          Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                          • #14
                            Talk to your local authority as well as the police. This is blatant anti-social behaviour and needs to be nipped in the bud. An ASBO should do the trick!!
                            Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it.


                            • #15
                              I have great sympathy but the woman is obviously unwell and that should be remembered - she's not a 'nutter', she's ill ffs, if she were the mother of a user here and was called a nutter they might be mightily pissed off.

                              Go to your local authoprity with camera evidence and ask them to intervene rather than doing anything yourself.

                              And build the cages.
                              TonyF, Dordogne 24220


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