I hope you have taken photos of this for future reference and been keeping a diary of any events regarding your neighbour? Because there could come a time when all this information is needed by a court of law.
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neighbour sabotaging my crops!!
that's the thing though, i don't think she is ill, she's just malicious, either that or homophobic.. she admitted right from the start that she was racist so chances are she's homophobic too, it seems that she won't be happy till we move out and that's just not something i'm going to do
and yep, we've had the police out to her twice already for threatening behaviour so it's all logged.. they've said they can't charge her with anything though cos she hasn't physically harmed anyone........... yet...Last edited by ckfe; 30-05-2009, 08:37 AM.
Poor you! Can't comprehend what make people be that way.....
I'd be devastated if that happened to me.... I get cross when the chickens nibble the veg or the slugs chomp the lettuces!
At least I can cover with netting and throw down some grit...........don't know what to suggest for nutty neighbours? A fierce looking guard dog? Maybe that'd deter them from coming into your garden? Oh, remembered about the nut throwing.......ah....fleece or netting over the crops?
ordered some netting off ebay on thursday so hopefully it should arrive today
we went away for a weekend in march and when we got back they'd come into our garden without our permission and raised OUR fence panels 2ft higher and stacked a pile of bricks under them because she "couldn't bear to look at us"
fortunately we're not the kind of people to let it stress us out, we just get on with our lives and leave her to her warped games
Bless you that is awful, we have grotty neighbours but no where near that level!
Hope you manage to sort things out so she can no longer wreck your crops.When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown
Originally posted by ckfe View Postthat's the thing though, i don't think she is ill, she's just malicious, either that or homophobic.. she admitted right from the start that she was racist so chances are she's homophobic too, it seems that she won't be happy till we move out and that's just not something i'm going to do
and yep, we've had the police out to her twice already for threatening behaviour so it's all logged.. they've said they can't charge her with anything though cos she hasn't physically harmed anyone........... yet...
Definately get legal advice. My parents lived in NW England for a while and my mum was literally tortured by the b**ch next door. My Dad went to the police but got nowhere for a long time (would you believe it - the investigating officer was a friend of her family!!). In the end my Dad went above his head and Mom was offered compensation (from the police!!). The neighbour was never taken to task as Mum and Dad sold the house and moved home. To this day my mother still suffers from the effects of the mental torment she endured.
Get evidence, good advice, and get it sorted. No one should have to put up with this type of behaviour. If the woman is unwell, she needs help, and if her family can't see that then maybe the authorities will.A good beginning is half the work.
Praise the young and they will make progress.
Originally posted by ckfe View Postwe went away for a weekend in march and when we got back they'd come into our garden without our permission and raised OUR fence panels 2ft higher and stacked a pile of bricks under them because she "couldn't bear to look at us"
I would definitely set up a camera, record each incidence (no matter how 'minor') and report each incidence.
She has trespassed on your property and I would have thought that if you can prove the 'couldn't bear to look at us' aspect of her attitude it would make her intimidation and vandalism a hate crime.
From the Home Office 'Hate Crime' web page:
Hate crime is any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by an offender's hatred of someone because of their:
race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins
gender or gender identity
sexual orientation
Hate crime can take many forms including:
physical attacks � such as physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti, neighbour disputes and arson
threat of attack � including offensive letters, abusive or obscene telephone calls, groups hanging around to intimidate and unfounded, malicious complaints
verbal abuse or insults - offensive leaflets and posters, abusive gestures, dumping of rubbish outside homes or through letterboxes, and bullying at school or in the workplace
Our definition of a hate crime:
Any incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate.
This sort of malicious sh*t makes me sooooooooooooo mad.
I really hope you find a way through this that leaves you and your partner as calm, healthy and at peace as possible.
Have you tried the other approach and be really nice to her and offer some produce from you patch, it might flumox her totally and think twice about annoying her lovely,friendly, generous neighbors. She can't be quite right,can she? What started it all off?Gardening forever- housework whenever
A friend suffered similar homophobic related attacks; dirty nappies thrown into the garden, verbal abuse and 'The Authorities' called out for every possible reason, RSPCA to her dog (the dog had originated with them so she'd already been home checked, but nasty neighbour didn't know that) Environmental health (because there are always dirty nappies in the garden!!!) The police, because she had to get up for work at 5am and the neighbour claimed to be disturbed by her alarm clock. Eventually my friend got in touch with the local mediators and the nasty neighbour refused to meet them. This gave my friend all the ammunition she needed because her answer to everything was 'I tried to go to mediation and the woman refused'. It's amazing how quickly the police and others came to be on her side once she could say that, as prior to that they just classed it as a neighbour dispute, 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. When it was obvious that one party was trying to resolve matters they were firmly supporting her.Last edited by bluemoon; 30-05-2009, 08:35 PM.Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.
I think CAB do the neighbour mediation if its any help and your local authority should have an antisocial behaviour officer if mediation isn't an option.
how positively vile
i'd erect a large billboard of you and your partner just a bit higher than the fence'Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? ' Douglas Adams
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