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neighbour sabotaging my crops!!


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  • #31
    Originally posted by jimbojetset View Post
    i'd erect a large billboard of you and your partner just a bit higher than the fence
    That made me laugh out a little bit too loud!


    • #32
      If it is Hate Crime contact the Equalities Officer of your local police team. They are sometimes more 'accepting and understanding' of hate crime than the people who just log the calls.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Herbie View Post
        I think CAB do the neighbour mediation if its any help and your local authority should have an antisocial behaviour officer if mediation isn't an option.

        Sorry to read that you're having antisocial neighbour probs, CKFE - I agree with those who've suggested the CAB - I think they're are a great resource for any queries, they usually give good guidelines on your situation and what you can do.
        My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)


        • #34
          Sympathise with your plight. Local Authorities have more powers now with regard to Anti Social Behaviour as in April they took over some local 'Police' powers. You may have a local Safer (town/area where you live) Partnership who may be able to give advice - we have one in Walsall where we live called Safer Walsall Partnership. Perhaps you could google it or go onto your Local Authority website and they should be able to point you in the correct direction. Hope this helps.


          • #35
            Originally posted by IgglePiggle View Post
            You could always move and chuck some Japanese Knotweed down the side of her house
            ohhhhh i like this idea


            • #36
              Originally posted by ckfe View Post
              that's the thing though, i don't think she is ill, she's just malicious, either that or homophobic.. she admitted right from the start that she was racist so chances are she's homophobic too, it seems that she won't be happy till we move out and that's just not something i'm going to do

              and yep, we've had the police out to her twice already for threatening behaviour so it's all logged.. they've said they can't charge her with anything though cos she hasn't physically harmed anyone........... yet...
              Not prying into your private life but if you are GLBT and she is making homophobic insults to you then that is a criminal offence and the police have to take action. Its covered under the Public Order Act. The stuff she is doing is covered already under Section 5.

              Ask to talk to your GLBT liasion officer.

              She only needs to do somthing twice for it to be harrisment and you can apply for a restraning order.

              If it is a Council or HA property she could (will) be in breach of her tennancy...agan speak to the Council or HA.

              Best of luck.
              My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


              • #37
                Just seen BBC news this morning about a couple who also suffered abuse and harrassment. They installed CCTV cameras, their neighbours from hell now have a criminal conviction Can you install CCTV - I think Argos sells them.


                • #38
                  Mediation is the way to go. Make it official, before it escalates. Respect - Members - Mediation

                  the Eccles Neighbourhood Manager is [email protected] tel 0161 603 4090

                  the Eccles police bods are here:
                  Last edited by Two_Sheds; 01-06-2009, 07:53 AM.
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #39
                    I can totally empathise with you there ckfe.
                    For five and a half years we had to put up with abuse from our neighbour. Again we believe that it was partially fuelled by homophobia but also just by him not being the full ticket. We had everything from him threatening to kill us and our cat, putting rubbish through our letterbox, shouting abuse at us, trying to get me into trouble for drink driving( i never even have shandy if I am driving!) and also he used to slash our tyres on several occasions. We lived in a housing association property and they refused to move us until we called thier bluff and threatened to sue them! The police were powerless to do anything about this guy but we finally moved and ended up with our house and garden with veggie plots and chook space!!
                    Unfortunatley there probably is not much you can do to stop what is happening because if they behave this way they will not respond to mediation or the nicey nicey approach. Just remember that the problem is with them and not you, keep the faith and keep smiling


                    • #40
                      you lot are all so nice thanks for everyone's advice, didn't realise there were so many avenues i could go down besides the police.
                      haven't got any proof that they're homophobic but given that they're openly racist i think it's a fair bet that they're bigoted in most ways.
                      i'm really tempted to put up my rainbow flag in our shared driveway, think that might tip her over the edge though!!
                      my partner has built me a cage with netting over it to keep the squirrels out, just got to work out how to cover the runner bean wigwam now


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                        I'd rig up some frames using the blue pipe [wickes sell it] and some netting [ebay - scaffolder's netting?]....
                        Also try and fix one of those door stopper thingies that make a noise when you walk past onto the frame or fence. We stuck one in the bushes near our house to deter people from bee-lining it through our back garden, we could hear the thing go off (our was a frog) and let the dog out to finish the job. You'll know when she's doing it and so will anyone else who can hear.
                        Last edited by zazen999; 03-06-2009, 12:24 PM.
                        The Impulsive Gardener


                        Chelsea Uribe Garden Design


                        • #42
                          You could also contact your local or nearest LGBT switchboard who should be able to put you in touch with an informed and experienced lawyer and give you the name of the appropriate police officer to contact (they are getting better at this stuff but might need you to explicitly point out your suspicion of homophobia...). They are usually also there to vent some of the stress and anxiety this must be causing you. x


                          • #43
                            If the Police say that they can't do anything, contact the Chief Constable. If he/she says they can't do anything, contact the Police Complaints Commission. If they can't do anything, contact your local M.P. In short, MAKE A BLOODY NUISANCE OF YOURSELF. You'll be surprised how quickly something will be done just to stop you contacting them. It works. I've done it myself. If in doubt, keep going higher. To the Prime Minister if neccesary.

                            Regards, Mikey
                            Last edited by spursboy61; 03-06-2009, 05:01 PM.


                            • #44
                              well i thought all this had gone away but yesterday the loony woman attacked and headbutted my mother in law who is 68

                              my father in law pulled them apart but by that time my mother in law had been left with scratches and bruises

                              the police came (proper police this time not pcos) and my mother in law is pressing charges for assault

                              BUT the neighbour has decided if my mother in law is pressing charges then she's also going to press charges against both my MIL and father in law!!! apparently she's got a bruise on her arm or something from my father in law pulling her off

                              it's resulted in all 3 of them being charged with assault, they weren't taken away in cuffs or anything, but they've got to go into the police station to be cautioned and questioned and charged etc

                              i'm soooooooo mad that she could do this to someone and yet a couple of pensioners who've never said boo to a goose might end up with a criminal record!!!


                              • #45
                                this is where your diary of her abuse comes in handy.


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