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neighbour sabotaging my crops!!


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  • Only just spotted this thread. don't know if the problem is resolved or within resolution (??) but a word of warning. I heard something about using cameras on your property, and don't know if it's true or not, but basically it was along the lines of having to have signs up to say there are cameras in operation or it could be classed as a breach of human rights or something daft like that. As I say, not sure if there's anything in it, but worth bearing in mind for anyone wishing to put cameras on their property.


    • Originally posted by Waffler View Post
      Only just spotted this thread. don't know if the problem is resolved or within resolution (??) but a word of warning. I heard something about using cameras on your property, and don't know if it's true or not, but basically it was along the lines of having to have signs up to say there are cameras in operation or it could be classed as a breach of human rights or something daft like that. As I say, not sure if there's anything in it, but worth bearing in mind for anyone wishing to put cameras on their property.
      hmmm i think i've also heard something about this too.. wonder how big the sign has to be though? maybe i could get away with a titchy one in the corner of the window


      • Originally posted by ckfe View Post
        hmmm i think i've also heard something about this too.. wonder how big the sign has to be though? maybe i could get away with a titchy one in the corner of the window
        Check with the police, they will know.


        • Probably worth informing the police of your plans to install cctv anyway, just to show them how troubled you are by the whole situation.


          • As long as the cameras are on your land and not encroaching the neighbours property (i.e. looking straight in their windows - like you would want to) then it is fine without a sign! It only becomes a problem if they are looking purely onto their property, in that case it becomes a breach of privacy.

            On another note I was in the garden center the otherday browsing (escaping the rain) and saw some anti-squirrel pellets, that might be worth investigating to intersperse with your crops and keep them out! Sorry can't remember what it was called.
            Last edited by Sprocket*; 31-07-2009, 01:14 PM.

            Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
            Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step!


            • Originally posted by Sprocket* View Post
              On another note I was in the garden center the otherday browsing (escaping the rain) and saw some anti-squirrel pellets, that might be worth investigating to intersperse with your crops and keep them out! Sorry can't remember what it was called.
              would it kill the squirrels though? i know they're vermin but i couldn't bear the thought that i'd killed them


              • Using the philosophy of fighting fire with fire

                I found This Advert in Your local paper, they might be able to help

                "In 2009 a crack squirrel unit

                was sent to prison by a
                Animal court for a crime they didn't commit.

                These squirrels promptly escaped from The maximum security stockade
                to the Eccles underground.
                Today, still wanted by The Eccles Councils Pest Control Officer,
                they survive as squirrels of fortune.
                If you have a problem,
                if no one else can help,
                and if you can find them,
                maybe you can hire

                The Squirrel-Team."

                And Finally A message from the Squirels-Team to your neighbour

                Im sorry for all the problems you and your family are having I also apologize for my sence of humour
                Thought For The Day
                If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
                Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


                • The Squirrel-Team are:
                  "Hannibal" Smith

                  Templeton "Faceman" Peck

                  H.M. Murdock

                  B.A. Baracus
                  Last edited by enrich100; 31-07-2009, 05:33 PM.
                  Thought For The Day
                  If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
                  Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


                  • LOL that's brilliant enrich!!!


                    • Absolutely cracking! still laughing......hehehe


                      • I have been informed that being a site about Fruit and Veg that my previous post had no mention of fruit and veg in it, I have now corrrected my error

                        The S-Team are:
                        "Hannibal" Granny Smith

                        Templeton "Faceman" Leek

                        H.M. Dandelion & Burdock

                        B.A. Brassicas

                        I hope this resolves the issue
                        Last edited by enrich100; 31-07-2009, 11:47 PM.
                        Thought For The Day
                        If a plum tomato breaks the law when it�s young
                        Would it�s criminal past ketchup with it later?


                        • i'm sooooooo annoyed.. we set the video cameras up but couldn't for the life of us fine the remote to tune the video into the tv (or something like that, OH did tell me what it was that needed to be tuned into something but i didn't have a clue what she was talking about)

                          anyhoo, we went camping this weekend so MIL and FIL popped down to our house a couple of times to feed the cat.. while they were there on saturday the mad neighbour's husband threatened to kill my FIL..

                          so the reason i'm annoyed is cos we didn't catch it on bloody camera!!


                          • Aww no Ckfe can your FIL not file another complaint against them? Are the neighbours allowed to speak to your MIL and FIL? I'd get them to make a complaint and then the police will surely see that its the neighbour with the problem not your MIL and FIL. The more complaints you all make, as horrible as it is, surely the better for your defence?


                            • I've only just read this thread CKfe and am horrified. What a pair of ignorant, malicious @�$$$$$$@�L" @$L:@"�$$!! They've probably got a brain the size of a pea! Oooh it does make me mad when people get treated like this
                              I do hope you get it sorted.
                              AKA Angie


                              • So sorry to hear the neighbours are at it again. Definitely involve the police!


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