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neighbour sabotaging my crops!!


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  • #46
    Originally posted by BilboWaggins
    Oh you poor girl, you do not need or deserve this. Hope your MIl and FIL are OK.

    Any chance there was an independent witness?
    Originally posted by taff View Post
    this is where your diary of her abuse comes in handy.
    yeah from now on i'm going to write everything down.. we're installing security cameras over the weekend too

    and unfortunately no there weren't any independent witnesses.. they say someone walked past but didn't stop and they don't know who it was

    i just feel so sorry that an old lady who was just minding her own business is going to be treated exactly the same as some scroty teenager with an asbo


    • #47
      Gawd almighty I'm utterly appalled that this is happening to you and that it has also involved your MIL and FIL. I hope that they are both recovering.

      I've never personally recieved any homophobia against me or my partner but I feel that if I did then I would, as people on here have said, complain, then if nothing happens there go higher and higher each time.

      Have there been witness' to anything that she's done? Anyone else on your allotment site had any problems? How long has this been going on for? If you haven't made a diary of whats gone on before, do you know the approximate times that things have happened? Make sure your MIL informs the police of the threat from this women to her before!

      What a world we live in, huge hugs to you all and don't let her win


      • #48
        Originally posted by Droppey View Post
        Anyone else on your allotment site had any problems?
        it didn't happen on an allotment (i don't have one).. it happened at our house so i'm living next to this loon every single day.. as i type the husband neighbour has just moved his car to a position that means i can't get out of the drive without either scratching his or my own car


        • #49
          take a photo, stick it in the diary.
          It's petty stuff as well you need to write down so there's a record of continuous abuse, petty or otherwise..
          I feel for you, I really do.


          • #50
            I've just caught up with all this, I'm really sorry ckfe, I hope you can do something to improve your situation. Its a shame you can't choose your neighbours isn't it. I know that only too well myself, but not to your extent, and we are finally moving away from it (once the self-build is finished - please let it be soon).

            I hope the avenues of assistance (CAB, Liason officers etc) can help, and I hope your MIL isn't traumatised by her encounter with your neighbour, or the police for that matter.

            Best wishes to you all.
            Last edited by Pumpkin Becki; 17-07-2009, 10:22 AM.


            • #51
              I think the previous points about the diary is really important. Every little thing is important, as far back as you can remember, although they might seem tiny and petty individually, collectively they will build a more accurate picture of the misery they are putting you through. The fact that you feel it might be homophobic is also important and this coupled with the 'diary' will be relevant to your your MIL and FILs case so do share it with the police. x


              • #52
                Originally posted by glut View Post
                I think the previous points about the diary is really important. Every little thing is important, as far back as you can remember, although they might seem tiny and petty individually, collectively they will build a more accurate picture of the misery they are putting you through. The fact that you feel it might be homophobic is also important and this coupled with the 'diary' will be relevant to your your MIL and FILs case so do share it with the police. x
                So sorry she's at it again ckfe. I fully agree with glut and the points made about keeping a record. We had problems with people coming over our back wall and being abusive to our son in his own garden ( he even had half a brick thrown at him over the wall!). The police advised us to call every single time there was an incident and insist on it being recorded and getting a reference number for it as it helps them to identify where there's a real problem and will also make it more likely for them to take an incident like this one seriously but with access to history.
                Don't grin and bear it, keep reporting this woman!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by ckfe View Post
                  ohhhhh i like this idea
                  Nice idea but if you move then this rather disturbed lady has won. Don't allow her to push you out of your home. I haven't met her so can't really comment on her mental state.

                  You shouldn't have to put up with this, neither should your family. It is truly horrendous (((HUGS)))

                  Best of luck!

                  Last edited by julesapple; 17-07-2009, 11:15 AM.

                  Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                  ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                  Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                  • #54
                    This is a dreadful state of affairs. Hope you, your OH and your in laws can resolve this soon. Keep your chin up and get that diary going!


                    • #55
                      Ive been in a simliar situtation in the past with one of my neighbours aswell as other neighbour who were having similar problems we ended installing cameras and speaking to the other neighbours who were having problems we got a petitiion together and presented it to the council.
                      They were forced to move out when confronted they claimed we were being homphobic and rascist as they were gay and from Northern Ireland.
                      We were not homphobic in any shape or form just we dont find smashing bottles,urinating in the street and vandalising cars exceptable behavior in a small culde sac.
                      You really need to document everything with timeswhere you can as this may be used as evidence should it go to court.
                      With out evidence there is very little you can do its just your word against hers
                      Out of interest is she a council tennant as you can complain to the council as there is a section in the tennants agreement which prevents anti social behavior.
                      Is it worth putting up a feeder away from your crops for the squirrels so they go to that rather than destroy your hard work.
                      Really feel for you on this one
                      Inside every older man is a younger man thinking what the heck happened


                      • #56
                        Could this thread count as a diary - it is date and time specific and does go back a couple of months?


                        • #57
                          OH dear, I really feel for you, the legislation has not caught up with society and the police have their hands tied by it alot of the time (although a small minority commit theft of wages each month!). Everyone thinks it is so easy to get hold of an ASBO but they aren't handed out easily. You really do have to keep a diary and make sure that you record anything, and ring the Saferneighbourhood team (our area has a 24 hour goldenline which is picked up and comes under close scrutiny). I would say that you could possibly use the forum in evidence and if getting CCTV make sure that you get something of quality as some are so poor they are not worth anything! It is not a quick option but it works.
                          You can speak with a solicitor about civil injunction but they are expensive and without a power of arrest they are useless! But saying that they are dealt with in the civil court and they do not take breaches lightly, a second breach can land them in prison.
                          Keep your chin up, smile at her and keep writing! Remember not everyone is as petty as this narrow minded vile woman. Good luck

                          Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
                          Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by nelliegemini View Post
                            Could this thread count as a diary - it is date and time specific and does go back a couple of months?
                            Thats a good idea! Only just caught up with this thread and can't believe some of what I'm reading, its horrendous. I really hope your FIL and MIL come through ok too.
                            I really don't know why people are so funny about those in same-sex relationships. What should it matter to them?
                            Kirsty b xx


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by kirsty b View Post
                              I really don't know why people are so funny about those in same-sex relationships. What should it matter to them?

                              Unfortunately people are ignorant and their ignorance leads to behaviour that others cannot understand. To be honest I feel sorry for them cos I'd rather be me, a lesbian and proud to be so, than be like them!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by nelliegemini View Post
                                Could this thread count as a diary - it is date and time specific and does go back a couple of months?
                                nellie you're a genius!!!.. it'll help me fill in the blanks


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