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Help Me Please!!!


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  • Help Me Please!!!

    Recently I has been asked to do a questionnaire thingy for my GCE ICT course...

    So I was wondering if you guys would be really nice and help me out with it... no worries I don't need any confidential information

    Jost post your answers as a reply to this

    P.S. The more people the better!!! So Please Please Please


    1. What gender are you???

    2. How old are you???
    69 +

    3. Are you???
    In full time education
    University student
    Other �����������������

    4. When was the last time you went to the dentist???
    6 months ago
    1 year ago
    2 years ago
    More than 2 years ago

    5. If it has been more than 6 months, why haven�t you gone to the dentist???

    6. How often do you go to the dentist???
    Every 6 months
    Every 12 months
    Every 18 months

    7. Do you organise your appointments or does someone else??? Please specify
    Someone Else ����������������

    8. Do you see a NHS dentist or a private dentist???

    9. If you see a private dentist, why is this???

    10. Do you pay for your treatment???

    11. If yes, what was the amount you paid last???

    12. Are you aware that people on benefits can get a refund on their payments???

    13. If you were on benefits, would you bother to do this???

    Thank you muchly

  • #2
    If you don't want to post replies on this thread, perhaps you could PM Kissykit please? It would really help with her data gathering for this course work, especially as her brother hasn't bothered to pass the questionnaire out around his uni mates like he was going to, and now most of them have gone home now
    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
    Now a little Shrinking Violet.


    • #3
      I will pm with answers, but just to say some of them should have had an 'other' option, as my dentist sees his patients every 9 months


      • #4
        1. Male
        2. 40 - 69
        3. Other - self employed
        4. 1 year ago
        5. Don't object to paying the dentist - object to the enormous cost of the hygienist - my old dentist did a one stop shop, now you get passed from one person to the other - too many appointments, not enough time - or money.
        6. Not until I'm crippled with toothache.
        7. see 5. and 6. above
        8. NHS, but the hygienist is not NHS
        9. N/A
        10. Yes
        11. In excess of �100
        12. Yes
        13. Yes

        British by birth
        Scottish by the Grace of God


        • #5
          1)Female. 2)40-69 3)Other,disabled 4)6 months ago 5) 6)every 6 months 7)Myself or hubby 8)NHS 9) 10)no 11) 12)yes 13)yes


          • #6
            Just sent you a PM with my answers Kissy.


            • #7

              1. Female



              4. 6 months ago


              6. Every 6 months

              7. Myself

              8. NHS


              10. Yes

              11. �16.50

              12. Yes

              13. Yes
              Denise xox

              Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
              -- Alfred E. Neumann


              • #8
                1. What gender are you??? Male

                2. How old are you??? 40-69

                3. Are you??? Employed

                4. When was the last time you went to the dentist??? 6 months ago

                5. If it has been more than 6 months, why haven’t you gone to the dentist???

                6. How often do you go to the dentist??? Every 6 months

                7. Do you organise your appointments or does someone else??? Myself

                8. Do you see a NHS dentist or a private dentist??? NHS

                9. If you see a private dentist, why is this???

                10. Do you pay for your treatment??? Yes

                11. If yes, what was the amount you paid last??? �41.00

                12. Are you aware that people on benefits can get a refund on their payments??? Yes

                13. If you were on benefits, would you bother to do this??? Yes
                My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                • #9
                  Some of the questions need refining as I was at the dentist on Tuesday also why is University Student not included In Ful time Education.
                  My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                  • #10

                    1. What gender are you???
                    Female male

                    2. How old are you???
                    20-39 this one !
                    69 +

                    3. Are you???
                    In full time education
                    University student
                    Employed this one
                    Other �����������������

                    4. When was the last time you went to the dentist???
                    6 months ago this one
                    1 year ago
                    2 years ago
                    More than 2 years ago

                    5. If it has been more than 6 months, why haven�t you gone to the dentist???

                    6. How often do you go to the dentist???
                    Every 6 months
                    Every 12 months this one unless she says otherwise
                    Every 18 months

                    7. Do you organise your appointments or does someone else??? Please specify
                    Myself i do !
                    Someone Else ����������������

                    8. Do you see a NHS dentist or a private dentist???
                    Private yep

                    9. If you see a private dentist, why is this???

                    She was NHS but went private, offers very good service asnd was unable to get a NHs at the time so stayed with her

                    10. Do you pay for your treatment???
                    Yes I do !

                    11. If yes, what was the amount you paid last???

                    �75 for x ray and clean

                    12. Are you aware that people on benefits can get a refund on their payments???
                    No no !

                    13. If you were on benefits, would you bother to do this???
                    Yes I would !

                    Thank you muchly

                    Your welcome, good luck !


                    • #11
                      1. What gender are you??? - Female

                      2. How old are you??? - 40-69

                      3. Are you??? - Unemployed by choice (not working but not claiming benefits either)

                      4. When was the last time you went to the dentist??? - 2 weeks ago

                      5. If it has been more than 6 months, why haven’t you gone to the dentist???

                      6. How often do you go to the dentist??? - Every 6 months

                      7. Do you organise your appointments or does someone else??? Please specify

                      8. Do you see a NHS dentist or a private dentist??? - NHS

                      9. If you see a private dentist, why is this??? - N/A

                      10. Do you pay for your treatment??? - Yes

                      11. If yes, what was the amount you paid last???
                      �16.50 (although only saw her for about 2 minutes)

                      12. Are you aware that people on benefits can get a refund on their payments???

                      13. If you were on benefits, would you bother to do this??? - Yes


                      • #12
                        1. Female

                        2. 20-39 (just!)

                        3. Employed

                        4. About 13 years ago

                        5. Never had tooth ache so not seen the need, only go to the doctors if I'm ill so treat the dentist the same. Have managed to get to almost 40 without the need for fillings so must be doing OK

                        6. I don't

                        7. Nobody as I don't go

                        8. N/A although OH goes to a private dentist who only charges NHS prices (or cheaper in some cases) as a policy rather than rip people off as some do

                        9. N/A although if I did want to see a dentist then I'd be hard pressed to find an NHS one

                        10. N/A but I would have to if I went

                        11. Not been for many years so can't remember

                        12. Yes

                        13. Probably

                        Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                        Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                        • #13
                          1. What gender are you???

                          2. How old are you???

                          3. Are you???


                          4. When was the last time you went to the dentist???
                          More than 2 years ago

                          5. If it has been more than 6 months, why haven’t you gone to the dentist???
                          Cos I am flipping terrified!

                          6. How often do you go to the dentist???
                          See above! Only when I really have to

                          7. Do you organise your appointments or does someone else??? Please specify

                          8. Do you see a NHS dentist or a private dentist???

                          9. If you see a private dentist, why is this???
                          No NHS available

                          10. Do you pay for your treatment???

                          11. If yes, what was the amount you paid last???
                          Cant remember

                          12. Are you aware that people on benefits can get a refund on their payments???

                          13. If you were on benefits, would you bother to do this???
                          WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                          • #14

                            1. What gender are you???
                            Female >>>

                            2. How old are you???
                            20-39 >>>
                            69 +

                            3. Are you???
                            In full time education
                            University student
                            Other ����������������� Houseperson

                            4. When was the last time you went to the dentist???
                            6 months ago
                            1 year ago
                            2 years ago
                            More than 2 years ago >>>

                            5. If it has been more than 6 months, why haven�t you gone to the dentist???
                            Hugely phobic, due to local anaesthetic resistance

                            6. How often do you go to the dentist???
                            Every 6 months
                            Every 12 months
                            Every 18 months
                            Never, it's 10 years since I last went

                            7. Do you organise your appointments or does someone else??? Please specify
                            Someone Else ����������������

                            8. Do you see a NHS dentist or a private dentist???
                            NHS The last one I saw was NHS

                            9. If you see a private dentist, why is this???

                            10. Do you pay for your treatment???
                            No >>>

                            11. If yes, what was the amount you paid last???

                            12. Are you aware that people on benefits can get a refund on their payments???
                            Yes >>>

                            13. If you were on benefits, would you bother to do this???
                            No >>> because I wouldn't have been in the first place


                            • #15
                              1. Female

                              2. 40-69

                              3. Employed

                              4. 6 months ago


                              6. Every 6 months

                              7. Myself

                              8. Private

                              9. Surgery was previously NHS, good dentist and no other NHS dentist available at the time.

                              10. Yes

                              11. �170

                              12. Yes

                              13. Yes
                              Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                              So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


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