Before I offend men then I apologise as I am sure you are not all like my OH!
Have just fallen out with the Husband and thought I should seek a non biased view! The argument was about the fact that I have to ASK him to do everything and he never thinks to do them without being asked. Essentially we both work in the same job but he thinks it acceptable that when we are on the same shifts that I should come home and cook whilst he sits and watches telly (AGGGGHHHH!!!!) and I should ask him to do it if I want help.....
Should I just give in and accept that he is thoughtless? or should he try and be more thoughtful? Feel like he takes me for granted but I know I am stubborn, independant etc... and don't like to be wrong! I do go out of my way to think about him but don't feel like he does.
Mood not going to get much better as am at work with 3 men tonight!!!
Have just fallen out with the Husband and thought I should seek a non biased view! The argument was about the fact that I have to ASK him to do everything and he never thinks to do them without being asked. Essentially we both work in the same job but he thinks it acceptable that when we are on the same shifts that I should come home and cook whilst he sits and watches telly (AGGGGHHHH!!!!) and I should ask him to do it if I want help.....
Should I just give in and accept that he is thoughtless? or should he try and be more thoughtful? Feel like he takes me for granted but I know I am stubborn, independant etc... and don't like to be wrong! I do go out of my way to think about him but don't feel like he does.

Mood not going to get much better as am at work with 3 men tonight!!!