My wife and I are expecting our first child in December. We had the 12�week scan yesterday�absolutely amazing!
I have two questions for you all, if you'll be kind enough to help.
My first question has probably been asked before, but I'll give you all another chance to answer it:
So, question number 2:
Any ideas gratefully received.
I have two questions for you all, if you'll be kind enough to help.
My first question has probably been asked before, but I'll give you all another chance to answer it:
What should I plan to grow next year that we can use when we start to wean the baby onto real food?
My second question is more important. When we first found out, I had the wild idea that I would plant some apple pips on the day it is born and keep the strongest seedling to pass on at some future birthday; �this tree was born on the same day as you�. Once I discovered how tall real apple trees grow, I decided this wasn't such a good idea!So, question number 2:
What can I plant on the day the baby is born which will a) live for many years so it can be passed on; and b) be small enough to keep in a pot?
A suitable alternative would be a plant which breeds true so I can save the seed each year, although that doesn't seem quite as romantic idea as when I first thought of the apple tree!Any ideas gratefully received.