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Lost Engagement Ring! :(


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  • Lost Engagement Ring! :(

    Hi All,

    I thought I would share my sad story of the day. Every day has to have a sad moment but this is the worst yet.

    My Fiance has lost her engagement ring. We have looked everywhere for it. She took it off in the car to put some hand cream on and then realised a couple of hours later it had vanished.

    She is heartbroken, she loved the ring. It was an antique ring from the 50s. It didnt cost a ridiculous amount of money but not sure what to do about replacing it. Im hoping to get a very similar one if possible. I just hope that the other one turns up one day.

    I hate slugs!!

  • #2
    I take it you turned the car inside out etc, hope it turns up.
    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
    and ends with backache


    • #3
      Oh how sad, I can imagine how devastated she must feel. Hope it turns up soon.


      • #4
        On the car floor, under the rails that the seat moves on - or on the pavement where she got out of the car....and about 3 ft away as it rolled away.

        Hope you find it.


        • #5
          turn your car inside out! Look in places that you didnt know existed! I once found a mates contact lens on the forecourt of a petrol station in the IOM - he couldnt use it again, but the thought was there.
          Good luck, let us know what happens.
          Bernie aka DDL

          Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


          • #6
            Agree with Dexter - search the car, then search again.

            Lost my passport the Qatar years ago and took the car apart as I was sure it was there. After going to the police station to report it lost/stolen, being fingerprinted, etc it turned up in the car afterall.

            I would give the car a really, really good vac then empty the bag/cyliner out on newspaper afterwards and see if it turn up. Worth a shot - fingers crossed for you both.


            • #7
              I do hope it turns up. As a product of the late 40s though, I'm aghast at an antique ring being from the 50s! You young thing you! Keep searching - it could still turn up.
              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

     Updated March 9th - Spring


              • #8
                Or stretch the foot of a pair of tights over the nozzle of the hoover, that way it may be sucked out of its hiding place but don't have to be fished out of the gank that ends up inside it?

                Have faith, I really hope it turns up.
                Kirsty b xx


                • #9
                  Goodness its a blooming awful (Vine speak for **&&^^^$�@@) feeling when you lose something so precious but please don't give up hope of finding it. I had a similar situation a few weeks back (posted on here) and have been searching on and off ever since. Anyway, OH grabbed the spare duvet from the DD's bedroom (guest not fight) friday night and heard a 'ping', checked it out and found my missing ring. Until that point I swore blind I'd more than likely lost it in Cambridge as I 'remembered' wearing it on my way to work.

                  I recommend getting Redthorn to send his finding / homing vibes to you - he sent some to me.

                  Check jeans turnups, clothes worn that day etc and get someone else to look - they''ll see stuff you wont cos it's new to them.

                  I really really really hope it turns up.


                  • #10
                    Glad yours turned up Lizzy. I remember how gutted you were to lose it.
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #11
                      I just went back out to the car to have another look, I pulled up some bits of plastic but still no luck. I feel sad too, because i have never seen my OH cry so much as she has today.

                      Thanks for all the messages back. I hope we find it too.
                      I hate slugs!!


                      • #12
                        That's so sad , i could cry for you, i really hope it turn's up, BIG HUGS to both of you. xx


                        • #13
                          G*d me too and mine was just a everyday ring! Goodness only knows how gutting to loose an engagement ring must be. Poor Mr & Mrs Teamladd I'd be in floods to.


                          • #14
                            1. The doorpocket on her side.
                            2. Any centreconsole storage holes.
                            3. On the gearlever gaiter. (Son left his ring on there before a rugby match and it stayed there for a fortnight before he remembered where he'd left it.)
                            4. Between her seat and the centreconsole / hand brake surround.
                            5. Down in the handbrake, under the carpet / surround.
                            6. Jammed between the seat cushions.
                            7. Under the seat, really far under where the carpet cuts/joins are.
                            Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                            Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                            I support


                            • #15
                              I am so sorry for you and your fiancee..... I do the same thing - take rings off in car, put hand cream on then forget about the rings...

                              I actually did lose my wedding and engagement ring a few months after I got married. Hubbs used to drop me off at work so I'd take opportunity to put hand cream on in car. A couple of hours into the day and I'd realised I was ringless. Phoned hubbs to check car. I wasn't worried as I really thought they'd be in car. My manager told me to go outside and look for them straight away. Well, I was astounded to find both my wedding and engagement ring in the car park that hubbs drops me off! I did lose one ring though, just a silver engraved ring. The rings were on my lap in car and as I got out they must've fallen out too!

                              Oh, and I've dropped them in the car as well - it's the hand cream thing!

                              Have a good look in daylight, search every conceivable nook and cranny and also where you may have been that day. I sincerely hope you find it!


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