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Homemade words


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  • #31
    My elder daughter had a whole host of funny words when she was little: dingydowns - dressing gown; feckbunt - disinfectant; banjig - bandage; and chrismumps - Christmas! I sometimes think that my diction must have been a bit sloppy!


    • #32
      Originally posted by NewbieGardenerRow View Post
      My pet hate is newkiller or nucular weapons..grrrr and radio newreaders who say vunnrable instead of vulnerable.
      I'm sure I could pronounce words so wrongly, it could make your blood curdle.


      • #33
        Originally posted by FionaH View Post
        Kids used to call peanut butter peanut poo, yuk! Youngest calls aubergines snozcumbers courtesy of the BFG
        You mean Butnut Peana.

        My other catch all is Arrdvark....."as in pass me that Arrdvark"....(then you point at what you want)
        My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


        • #34
          coleslaw is called coldslop in our house and at mums, my sister aunts and HB's primary school after she renamed it that and its stuck


          • #35
            These are hilarious! My oldest, now 23, still occasionally comes out with parcark instead of carpark! #2 son called McDonalds McNobbles and that has stuck now.


            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


            • #36
              Originally posted by Snadger View Post
              Always say Hugh Fearnley Whatsisname even though I know his proper name!
              In our house he is known as 'You Furry Cricketball'

              My mother had her own language......

              Dicky Dankers - stairs
              Ookey Nook - A gap between kitchen units where carrier bags are stored.
              Blay - Disappointed expletive derived from the sound made when you got blown up by a space invader in 1983.
              Joseph's Witches - Nice people who come to the door and talk about god.

              I will try and remember a few more

              Eagles may soar, but chickens don't get sucked into jet engines.


              • #37
                My ex used to always (and quite genuinely) refer to that popular rom/com actor Hugh Grant as "Huge Grunt".
                The kitchen worktop is the runalong, anything I can't remember the name of is a doofreyabnabwotnot.

                Pet mispronuncation hate? EXpresso instead of ESSpresso! - Even Delia is guilty of it! Mind you, have you heard her try to pronounce Reggiano Parmesano?!...Don't get me started......
                When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


                • #38
                  I grew up surrounded by (mostly recogniseable) mispronunciations (deliberate ones) like teffylone, dress-me-down, flutterby, etc. I think some of them were common when my parents were younger, and the rest may have derived from the early efforts of my sisters. The only one that I got the blame for was, one of my sisters is still known to family as "Lally", because I had problems with "Valerie" when I was about 2.
                  Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by marigold007 View Post
                    I'm sure I could pronounce words so wrongly, it could make your blood curdle.
                    I'm sorry, I didnt mean to offend. I'm sure I mispronounce too and I think I'm very guilty of sorry.
                    My Mum says secutary instead of secretary despite woking in an office for years and tonight I came out with "pass me the remtrol" instead of remote control.
                    The best one was when my son yelled "have you seen my phobile mone?"
                    Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


                    • #40
                      The good people of Skegness have CHIZIT week/fortnight.
                      It's when the people from Leicester go there on holiday & ask how muchizit?
                      Last edited by bubblewrap; 18-06-2009, 09:04 AM.
                      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                      Brian Clough


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